Canon 5D MKIII or Nikon D800

I thought I pre-empted all this by actually admitting it all in the first reply.

The AA filter, the DR, the pixels. The D800 are better in that regard. Thought I would save us all any links and charts lol

I don't mistaken you for a Nikon fan, you are just very, erm, textbook. Goes by numbers and charts rather what you feel. It's a bit like Nikki Lauda as opposed to James Hunt. It's not a bad thing, just different.

Although photography is an art, I find it strange you put the tech above the arts, at least that how it comes across.
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5D3 owner here and had it for 6 months and regret buying it and not going Nikon.

So for me Nikon is the way forward.
It would be the Nikon for me but only because I can't stand the way Canon's handle.

However although there some slight differences in tech either will be fine and produce superb images as already demonstrated and there is nothing between them in term of lenses.

I'd say if you liked the 5DII then the 5DIII will be perfect for you.
Decide on a system based on how it feels in your hand and operation. Since this is going to be your extension of your body it needs to feel natural to use.

You don't want to regret everyday of your life with a camera system that you don't actually enjoy handling.

All the other tech stuff is pretty much equal so I wouldn't even bother thinking about how your going to use, and what type of photography you will be shooting.
It would be the Nikon for me but only because I can't stand the way Canon's handle.

However although there some slight differences in tech either will be fine and produce superb images as already demonstrated and there is nothing between them in term of lenses.

I'd say if you liked the 5DII then the 5DIII will be perfect for you.

I never liked the handling of the 5DII! Felt the grip was wrong feeling and only felt better with the battery grip attached much like most other xxD/xD Canon bodies.

The 3 was the only one that felt great and really the best in my hands without the grip attached and the layout changes felt nicer as well.
I never liked the handling of the 5DII! Felt the grip was wrong feeling and only felt better with the battery grip attached much like most other xxD/xD Canon bodies.

The 3 was the only one that felt great and really the best in my hands without the grip attached and the layout changes felt nicer as well.

I have'nt actually properly used a MKIII and the only time I've held one was yours I think at the London meet last winter, though I have used a friends MKII & 40D plenty enough that the handling just didnt suit me.and I much prefer the dual dial system of the Nikon.

The best handling camera I've personally used is my A77 but thats not for this thread.
Before buying my D7000 I had decided on a Canon. However when I went to buy it, it just didn't feel quite right in my hand so bought the Nikon.

Had I not tried both I'd have probably been happy with the canon.

Try before you buy

Then buy the
Thanks for the feedback all, I'm edging towards the 5D MKIII at the moment due to the 6 fps however the shop I'm going to buy from stocks everything so I will be able to try both before buying.. I'll be doing a part-ex with them anyway so we'll see how the morning goes.
Agree with everything except this, and 5Diii doesn't have 25mp. It's simply non factual unless you are specifically referring to video image quality. For stills IQ, 5Diii is behind in every measurable metric compared to D800E, although ISO is about on par with standard D800.

The truth is IQ requirement is subjective. Some pro's get by with the original 5D. Others use a Phase One. For some it matters, for others it doesn't.
As has already been mentioned though, skill is the biggest factor here, but then the Op asking about camera's not technique.

here we go. prime example of turning the thread into a canon vs nikon. was going well until this. a shame :(
Shot Canon (5D), moved to the D800 about a year ago now.

Lenses I can't talk about too much because the only first party lenses I've used on either have been the 50s. In terms of systems to be honest it's just a matter of getting to know them.

There were a few main reasons I went with the D800, and many of them are specific to me and won't really apply to most:
1. Resolution/Stupidly big prints - I had a fair few big pieces to do for exhibitions and the like, and 36MP vs 23MP is an appreciable difference for 50" prints.
2. IQ - While the 5D3 is certainly getting there, the D800 remains comfortably ahead of the Canon offerings particularly in dynamic range. The 5d3 is perfectly good enough if you're not exposing like a moron, but sometimes I'm a moron. I'd had to bin a fair few 5D images over the course of my using it because I didn't expose quite right (99% of the time my fault) but I've never had to drop a D800 image due to exposure problems even with a lot of mucking about with 9 stops et al.
3. Price - I'm not sure what prices are like at the moment, but at the time of making my choice the 5D was about a £600 dearer option, not to mention I could sell off my Canon gear to go a substantial way towards my D800 purchase and rebuild the system over time, and if I was going to sell off half of my lenses anyway sticking within Canon for its own sake lost its appeal.

Now, the Canon is definitely better than the Nikon for video, and while I can use the D800 perfectly well, subjectively I still prefer the Canon control layout (the control wheel in particular). In addition, I prefer Canon's lens lineup, not least because the top end stuff is generally a hell of a lot more affordable for what I shoot and 95% as good (plus available second hand) i.e. 35L, 50L, 85L, 100L, 135L. However, I'm primarily a sigma shooter nowadays so that's not mattered too much.

Another point is I really don't like the D800 battery grip method having to have one battery inside the camera and only one in the grip because it makes having two batteries really annoying. I loved shooting with a grip on the 5D but it's just too much hassle taking batteries in and out on the D800 to be worth it.

AF is meant to be better on the 5D3 but my shooting isn't really of the sort that would every highlight that sort of differences. Noticeable step up from the 5Dc I had but that's not really the topic of discussion here.

I'd say the sensor is noticeably better in the D800, while erring towards action/video favours the Canon, but there's a lot more to the decision than just dxo performance metrics. At the end of the day all (D800, D800E, 5D3) are brilliant cameras and whichever you buy, history has shown you'll be in one of these threads defending it to the death before long, so unless there's a really specialised area you want to focus/invest in then both will be able to serve you very well.
You've all forgotten one important fact... Canon L glass is an ugly dirty grey with an obnoxious red ring, while Nikon ED has a smart black barrel and swank gold ring! Plus that big nano N on the brass plate works on so many levels!

Seriously. Double check costs of the system you will buy into, canon's recent prices will make Nikon look like a value brand, except you will get the best sensors in the industry. otherwise the 5Dmk3 and D800 are more simlar than they are different, sensor aside.

Really the 5D3 is a great cam, just a pitty their ADC tech hasn't changed in a decade. Shadows still just fall so far behind compard with nikon, sony, pentax, fuji etc. Canon fixed almost all the shortcomings of the 5Dmk2 and provided solid competition such that D800 vs 5Dmk3 is an actual worthwhile comparison unlike the previous gen.

What is best ultimately depends what you shoot. Nature, landscape, wildlife the D800 is in a class of its own. Things life portrait, wedding, street then there is no real difference.
Speaking of Dynamic range, I've posted this before but for modern full frame sensors, they're both excellent.

A shot from a while back:


Is this a 5 differences competition? ;)

All I can spot is the car is missing in the 2nd picture. What do I win? :p
I agree with Mrk about canon cameras and grips, however this was actually the reason I went canon as the camera with grip works better for me than a Nikon.

As for the rest, I take photos to make me happy, I don't care about tech sheets as the cameras I chose got the photos I like. When that stops being the case I upgrade :) One downside would be if suddenly I couldn't get photos I want and Nikon did, as that would be an enormous reinvestment!
here we go. prime example of turning the thread into a canon vs nikon. was going well until this. a shame :(

Oh god someone comparing Nikon to Canon in a thread discussing Nikon as compared to Canon. What a huge fanboy what's he thinking? It's a £2.5k buying decision nobody should have any problem with just throwing the money wherever and if that's not the case they're a fanboy.
5D3 owner here and had it for 6 months and regret buying it and not going Nikon.

So for me Nikon is the way forward.

Why do you regret it?

Play with both, buy the system that gives you the lenses you want and the layout you feel comfortable with. After all these are just tools for taking pictures, you're still responsible for the end output. I don't regret stick with Canon on crop even though Nikon trounces Canon crop cameras for IQ, because it was a faster operating camera with a better buffer and AF and that was more important for me. I feel comfortable using it too so that will contribute to the overall quality of whatever I do. It's easy to argue till the end of the world but neither are bad cameras, just get the one that does the job for you.
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Oh god someone comparing Nikon to Canon in a thread discussing Nikon as compared to Canon. What a huge fanboy what's he thinking? It's a £2.5k buying decision nobody should have any problem with just throwing the money wherever and if that's not the case they're a fanboy.

Says the person with a d800.
OP u will get much better feedback from a dedicated photography forum. Too many fanboys here tbh
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