Communism/Socialism/Fascism just develops due to people with a lust for power exploiting those who are less successful in a merit based system to push an even worse system that inevitably ends up in dictatorship and even more suffering and poverty, I mean how many hundreds of millions either have to starve to death or be genocided under collectivist systems before people realise they're terrible ideas. Stateless Communism is also a total fantasy because you will just get the worst kind of people consolidating power and ruling over everyone.
The problem we have today is we do not have a free market, some regulation is necessary but bailouts for failing banks and businesses and big corporations lobbying and rigging the systems are not.
Also people 'forced' to live under capitalism? what? you'll usually find communist countries building walls to prevent their people from fleeing to them and nobody is prevented from leaving to live in North Korea if they want to. It's speculated that 3m Hong Kong'ers are going to leave their ancestral homeland to escape communism/fascism or whatever you call the Chinese system at the moment.
You are not describing reality. You're describing your entirely fictional dream capitalism, a thing that has never existed and almost certainly can't exist. In that respect, you're the same as fervent communists who do the same thing about communism. "merit based system" is a ludicrously unrealistic description of capitalism, so much so that I had to think carefully about whether you intended your post as some sort of parody. I've decided that you're probably serious.
I described communism as always having extremely ugly results, but of course you ignored that. Just like you've ignored the simple and amply documented fact that communism grew from the fact that vast numbers of people were suffering appallingly under capitalism. Millions of people have suffered and died under capitalism, too. Your silly fantasy about it being a merit based system is no better than a communist's silly fantasies about their preferred system. Both lead inevitably to a tiny minority brutally oppressing almost everyone. For the vast majority of people, there's effectively no difference between the two.
The growth of communism was only a little over 100 years ago. There are seas of documentation about it. Your ignorance is deliberate.
Millions of people from Hong Kong probably do want to leave (I certainly would if I was in their shoes), but they won't be fleeing from a communist system to a capitalist one. They'll be fleeing from a sort-of-vaguely-communist-ish-maybe system to a more mixed system with some leaning towards capitalism. More specifically, they'll be fleeing from a more authoritarian system to a less authoritarian system.