Caption Competition

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"Pavlovian conditioning is shown to work on humans when boy continues to munch on Big Mac while having his leg chewed off!"


"If Billy was going to prove himself the pack's alpha male, he would make them fight for his burger..."


"Attempts to reintegrate Moglee into human society were having mixed results: he had learned to eat burgers rather than raw deer carcass, but would still hump the trainer's leg every time he was let out of the kennel."


"As shown by our test subjects our new dog food is virtually indistunguishable in taste and texture from your typical major fast food franchise burger meat!"
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Damn you! Too fast for me!:D

sup3rc0w said:
"Being a Wimbledon ball-kid was hard work, but Geoffrey preferred it to what the teachers did to him in Jesuit School..."

Seriously, why don't we turn this into a weekly rather than 24hr thing? It'll give our resident comedy geniuses more time to flex their caption-muscles, and the winner can get a good 24hrs to find a new pic without breaking the flow of the thread.
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