Caption Competition

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the morning after the police christmas party....

new terrorist traning camp sitghted - was gonna go with that be its a bit close t o the bone
Von Smallhausen said:
The response time of the local constabulary was considered to be "A load of bollards" by most people.
Police berated for "we'll accept anyone into the force, regardless of colour, crede, or concrete content level" recruitment policy.
As Dave got that horrible sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, the truth slowly dawned that nowhere on the invitation had it said 'fancy dress'.
It was slowly dawning on Captain Hornblower that this particular mutiny would involve less crew but be none the less fantastic...
Belmit said:
As Dave got that horrible sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, the truth slowly dawned that nowhere on the invitation had it said 'fancy dress'.

When I first saw the picture I was thinking he looked like a naked Ninja Turtle.

Nice one Belmit, over to you :)
The borrowers trip to the furniture store was going fine, untill they a friendly dog got a bit too close
Piggymon and Desmo had to shop for their new flat in disguise for fear of being recognised by over enthusiastic OcUK forum members.
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