Caption Competition

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Nem said:

The new attempt at cloning didnt quite go as planned.
Nem said:
Woohoo, I won! :)

Here you go then...


Following record profit loses due to the savage competition in the toilet roll market the Andrex puppies have had to seek other means of employment, adapting to their new ‘rolls’ at customs has been harder than expected, identifying the right type of crack still seems to be a problem.
Customs officers were embarrased when showing off their new puppies, trained to detect liquor...someone had used the wrong spell checker and ended up with a licker!

(trying to avoid the obvious "crack" jokes) :P
So the winner, has to be:

Bigstan said:
The trainee still hadn't quite got the idea of sniffing out crack.

Stan :)

Pure mouthfull of coke on the keyboard moment :D

pug106driver was very close with the same idea, but just not worded quite the same.

So over to Bigstan for the next one...

After an almighty hock, the shark managed to spit the foul tasting fat bloke straight back into the boat where he belonged...

/edited to add picture to top of page...
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