Caption Competition

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Bigstan said:


the chinese took olympic preperations to a new level as they made
quin Jon practice on invisible parralel bars, over a great whites whose appetite had alread been wheted by the floor gymnasts
Cybermyk said:
Pictured together at the Thames meet, Freefaller and 'Gilly'


if this doesnt win i would be surprised....genius, remove the groan, its a great use of double-entendre
After much consideration, I have decided that the very first caption made me laugh the most :D

Balders said:
After an almighty hock, the shark managed to spit the foul tasting fat bloke straight back into the boat where he belonged...

Well done Balders, over to you.

Stan :)

Cybermyk's caption was extremely clever but Balders' one made me laugh more.
Professor Stephen Hawking and his nurse easily had the best costumes at the Trekkie Convention.
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