Well after a whopping 35 entries, I'm finding it incredibly difficult to pick a winner; most of these are brilliant.
Runners-up would have to be:
Fatiain: "Changing Rooms: Iraq."
MasterMike: "We'll add the rest in post"
Balders: "Sticky" Edwards always felt agrieved that he was the one volunteered to take a peek over the wall first."
|-CC-|: "In her limited edition designer hard hat, Victoria Beckham asks her builder if she can have a lift up to see the view from Brooklyn’s new toy room."
cleanbluesky: "It was safe to say that the injury was severe - but if anyone was tough enough to grow their entire body back from the neck down, it would be Steve..."
Pumpkinstew: "Sunglass' Hut Tikrit had some novel displays designed to instill both 'shock' and 'awe' in the locals."
But the winner for extreme randomness and for being the only one to make me laugh twice (once initially, and then again when I tried to make sense of it!) is
manor: "This was the last lot of drugs they had, so impaling his best mates head on a stick, Steve let him take one last look through the window."
Honourable mention should go to Whitewater for the rather deadpan:
"By sticking his helmet on the end of a stick to avoid a lethal gunshot, this US trooper nervously tries to make contact with the rest of his unit."
Go for it manor...