Caption Competition

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While the other OCUKers' jobs allowed the plenty of time in which to come up with captions, manveruppd had trouble keeping all the invisible balls in the air.
(My favourites so far: colour, Mr. Ansersen, barbershop quartet, this is science, unwashed fingers.... in fact this pic had some of the best captions in the whole thread! Nice choice!:D)

NVidia representative pictured giving a demonstration of what technological direction heatsinks were moving in to enable the hikes in clock speeds that his company were promising
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/Angrily - "No, I'm not optimistic of a summer release." "I think you've woefully underestimated the time needed for the CGI team to put in even a semblance of realistic looking Gorilla."
Mel Gibson is ostricised by both the film and religious communities after it is revealed that The Passion of the Christ was in fact based on a 1940s comedy romp depicting betrayal in a tailor's shop.
Mid boast James was distracted "Why are there only hairs growing on the palm of my right hand?" he wondered.

@Bigstan: Thanks and Meep, meep. MEEP. :D
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