Caption Competition

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cleanbluesky said:
A combination of dress-down Friday and slipping LSD into Thursday's water supply had opened a door to another place...

Takes note of idea. Checks calendar. Checks next available dress down day. Best start today then. :D

kitten_caboodle said:
be nice to me I'm a caption virgin... :D

Not only a caption virgin but in there with more than one entry. :D
Nice one. :)
cleanbluesky said:
A combination of dress-down Friday and slipping LSD into Thursday's water supply had opened a door to another place...

Manor noticed too :D Clearbluesky is the winner

Also as manor noticed (do you have a camera in here?) special mention to Kitten_caboodle, some good efforts for your first attempts :)

OcUK Mini-meet. Somewhere in Mid-Wales.
clearbluesky said:
You'll be waiting a long time for ClearBlueSky to post a picture

Will you post one instead then? :p
(Then maybe you could have the serial killer pic you wanted)
manor said:
Will you post one instead then? :p
(Then maybe you could have the serial killer pic you wanted)

Unfortunately serial killers just aren't funny. Who'd have thought that. So instead I offer, for the approval of the darker side of your sense of humour, any of the below...




That's right - I cant come up with a single good one so you get three mooderately interesting pictures! You may comment on any or all!
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