Car Hit by Drunk Driver

Well just got a call from the garage after the assessor did their thing. Looks like they are pretty much replacing the front axle, suspension and alloy wheels, the drivers side wing mirror and paint the drivers side door and front quarter at a cost of over £14k and take a month to complete.

It will never be the same again.

Once you get it back sell it and buy another or something else.

If it's a 14k payout versus a 30k/35k payout plus the hassle of selling it to recoup any costs, I'm sure the choice is obvious.

Beacuse 14k is only an initial estimate it could be much more once they take the car apart, then you add on hire car costs and things quickly escalate, and to top things off the OP could reject the repair.
Then who pays for the additional hire car costs?

Replacing critical front suspension components and a 14k bill equal to almost 50% of the cars value, i'd class that as bad damage, i'd rather have body damage than something which could well involve critical suspension mount location points and may end up resulting in structural geometry issues.

But hey, armchair expert here..... I just know when my CC was punted up the rear resulting in a 7k repair bill the car never drove the same again.
If that's what you want then start your own insurance company. Not many are in the habit of writing cars off for damage that's worth what 40% of a cars value.
If that's what you want then start your own insurance company. Not many are in the habit of writing cars off for damage that's worth what 40% of a cars value.

Its not just the value of the car to take into account though is it, it is the total cost of the claim, they must be paying out £500 a week just for the hire car.
Its not just the value of the car to take into account though is it, it is the total cost of the claim, they must be paying out £500 a week just for the hire car.

When I was signing the paperwork for the Toureg the price for the week they initially signed up for was £1285 pending info from the garage. No doubt now the hire will be for 5 weeks the price will come down a bit or perhaps because it’s being paid for by her insurance company they will charge as much as they can.
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