Car Security - Clifford Blackjax

hi wot do you mean define its setting? do you do that with the cliffnet wizzard? also its it legal to use intellistart when its parked on a public road? ive just heared thats its not and all sorts but the clifford installer said its completely legal because its installed correctly on a manual
yes within cliffnet, I'm pretty sure it's illegal but I'd be amazed if you ever got tugged for it - i think it's something about leaving the car running whilst not in control/charge of it
Serious question...

People here are recommending it saying its great... have all these people had people try and car jack them? I don't mean to be confrontational, I just can't honestly say I've seen the need for something like this.

My new car has an option to auto lock when you first pull off within the vagcom settings... that sounds like more than adequate to me, and even then this seems like something only worth doing if you have something super rare/exotic/expensive/heavily heavily modified thats worth loads..... the list goes on.

It doesn't sound like its worthwhile on a "run of the mill" car that most of us would own... is it an insurance stipulation on regular stolen to order cars?
had a young asian (omg racism) lad try and open the door of my porka when i was in traffic in stoke newington, at the same time another lad was running round to my side. I bricked it and floored it, who knows what might have happened.

as you say my car locked once I go above 10mph so I think I have that to thank :)
I guess a big part of the problem is the closest thing I've ever owned to being stealable is my S2000, and that was 7 years old when I bought it. I get you having problems in the 911 though, sounds like the standard stuff did the job nicely.

Does your M3 do the same out of interest? im sure I remember hearing some of the BMW's ive been in lock when you drive along
Serious question...

People here are recommending it saying its great... have all these people had people try and car jack them? I don't mean to be confrontational, I just can't honestly say I've seen the need for something like this.

Be surprised what people will try and pinch....a guy I play football with had one guy baseball bat his windscreen whilst another tried to open his door, whilst pulling into the village he lives in late one night (near Birmingham). He owns a 2009 Mini Cooper, not even an 'S', nice enough car, but hardly carjack territory I would have thought! This guy is a graduate, civil service job etc, hardly some 'gangsta' where people are out for him.

Plenty of car crime still about sadly, different from it used to be but plenty of aggressive opportunism as well as targetted thefts.
I was more making the point that attempting car jackings are not as rare as one might hope! Of course in certain circumstances there is nothing you can do but give up your car, if you value your own health...

just a question, with intellistart, if use the cliffnet wizzard and adjust the crank time does that mean it will pulse the intellistart to crank the engine for longer if it needs to? because mine some times if low on fuel it wil crank but then stop and restart it because the engine has not had to to start

If I was buying Blackjax it would be for knowing I would be more likely to get the car back if someone stole the keys from my house at night rather than car jacking.

I don't understand anyone that doesn't automatically lock their doors once they're in the car. Whether you have an automated system or not it's a simple thing to do and I make sure I do it everytime. My car only unlocks the drivers side unless I double press the fob which is handy in case I every do forget!
just a question, with intellistart, if use the cliffnet wizzard and adjust the crank time does that mean it will pulse the intellistart to crank the engine for longer if it needs to? because mine some times if low on fuel it wil crank but then stop and restart it because the engine has not had to to start


Yeah that's basically it. I see the crank time as a failsafe. Intellistart will stop cranking the engine when it sees that it has started up, for example on my ST I've set it to 3 seconds when normally it'll usually start in a little over 1 but the extra seconds are there for when the engine is very cold etc.

Does anyone have any experience using this car security system or have one fitted to their car?

If you have:

How do you find it? Easy to use?
More hassle than it's worth?
Has it ever not worked properly and left you stranded? What did you do to dis-arm it?
What do you do when other people want/need to drive your car, do you dis-able Blackjax?



If any of you reading this thread dont know what the Clifford Blackjax system is, it's basically an anti-hi jack system that cuts power gradually and then once the car has stopped the alarm sirens go off and the headlights/indicators flash so the thief does a runner.
It works by you having to enter a code whenever to get in to drive the car, if you dont enter the code the anti-hi jack system enables.
I heard It's annoying especially if its been fitted with scotlocks. I like toads smoke cloke
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Correct Answer. :-D

Same applies to Remote Start. It's not tested and doesn't interfere with the alarm.

I am a Clifford Approved Installer. Excellent systems as long as they are fitted properly. 90% of issues are caused by installers who don't know their way around a clifford's wiring system and setup.
or fit them using 1000 scotch locks
why wont my clifford passive arm when remote start is set safe??? ive just noticed thats a pain in the ass, let me guess another safety feature
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