Car Security - Clifford Blackjax

hi there can someone answer me this question, with clifford blackjax, what does it mean when the system sees two times idle??? in other words "what does two times idle mean" i have just come across it but have no idea

hi there can someone answer me this question, with clifford blackjax, what does it mean when the system sees two times idle??? in other words "what does two times idle mean" i have just come across it but have no idea


I think it might be the engine speed reaching double that of idle speed, so take a common idle speed of 850rpm, Blackjax will activate or start a countdown timer when engine revs reaches 1700rpm or more.

It's been a while since i messed with Clifnett wizard, but i'm sure you can set the idle speed in there.
so saying that, if you were to set the crank time to the max would it damage anything? because it would soon stop cranking as soon as it sees the tach? in other words would it damage the cars starter?
can some one help me? why does the clifford prox sensor temp disable when you are using intellistart? it dont make sense

any help would be greatfull
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