car stolen. security recommendations for next car

If you can't secure it in a garage or behind some gates then just don't worry about it, as if someone wants it they'll take it, and if they take it you don't really want it back, trust me. Just think of it as "Ah OK, new car time" lol
I'm in wirehill behind the hospital. join the wirehill residents FB group. my car in batsford cls and another in ettingly close both stolen within 10 minutes of each other on 1st September at 3:40am
Interesting -I’m Atworth Close
I check the Residents group occasionally but not for a while.

Will keep an eye out - our next door neighbour has a BMW M2 and a new Range Rover.
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sad, but true ...
other than 1 email with a crime reference number i've heard nothing from them about my stolen car... heck .. its only worth £25k ... who cares

This must be very frustrating and I see it regularly and get equally frustrated.

Unfortunately UK police forces are now basically run by the media - whatever the media put at the forefront of the agenda, is what the police will do. UK police leaders have completely lost their way with this constant pandering and fear they have that the media will criticise them. They haven't learnt that the media will criticise them no matter what they do.

So at the moment, *everything* is focussed towards offences that disproportionately effect women such as sexual offences/anything involving misogyny/domestics etc etc. Rewind a few years and *everything* was focussed towards kids going missing and being groomed. Rewind a few years before that and it'd be any crime involving racist elements. These are predominantly topics that are driven daily by the media and the police feel the need to do some showboating to prove that they're taking it seriously.

This is all amazing stuff - however all of it costs money (civilians being recruited to be "diversity champions" etc , the threshold for what meets misogyny/sexual offences/racist offences gets dropped by local policies which then get policed by more civilians etc etc, now instead of using common sense to deal with missing persons - anyone under the age of 18 that can't be contacted is now a high risk missing person etc etc). And with an *ever* shrinking budget, it means they rob money from other areas of their organisation and the police move further and further away from their core role of investigating and solving crimes. They become more about placating the media. Crimes against property/theft never attract large prison sentences and there is often less pressure on the police to solve these crimes versus crimes against the person. No only that, when it comes to vehicle crimes, these involve proper OCG's and cross border work to investigate - both of which are very labour intensive, take a long time, cost a lot of money and normally result in hilariously low sentences when they finally get to a court in 2028. So with the police's absolutely non existent resources, they make the decision to prioritise the offences they're worried about getting criticised over.

In the short term, this is fine. However in the long term, this obviously has the issue where a general sense of lawlessness creeps in, which makes people very uneasy.

If some MP/footballer/BBC news employee suddenly get's their car stolen - you watch, car thefts/vehicle crime is something which will go to the top of the agenda, albeit temporarily. Or if a normal decent member of the public get's their car stolen and they go out and try and stop the offender and they/someone else get's injured - again it'll go to the top of the agenda for a while, and the media will blame the police for not dealing with theft's enough.

For the police there is literally no winning and they need to stop chasing whatever the media is criticising them for and start growing a backbone. In fairness, over the last 15 years or so, it's fair to say the criminal justice system as a whole has been completely....utterly....decimated by successive governments as they have been kicked around like a political football. Other areas of Public Service have been protected more - like the NHS (because who doesn't love doctors and nurses right - especially during COVID!?) and schools (because people seem to care about their children/want someone to take their children off their hands for 8 hours a day!) - but the police and criminal justice? It's an easy area to cut to the bone, especially when you run some negative news stories about them at the same time. Then you'll blame them for not solving enough crimes - and use it to cut their budgets even more. It's the gift that keeps giving!
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We've got the relay gangs out down south at the moment. A faraday box for keys is the main line of defence. If you have a desirable car that likes to get nicked like a Range Rover I would put a steering lock on as well as minimum. Those are the cheap things to do before looking at Ghost etc.
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