Car theft

If they phoned the police though they would'nt have turned up, so have they made him give it back to the chavs then, be very suprised if they aint, after all its all you would expect from our absymal justice system.
i *** of stolen it back too! as said would *** of happened if next time it was burnout or smashed up in a field NO THANK YOU! id rather try and get it back ASAP when i know its alright instead of waiting for police to pull their fingers out
Ahhh but some of you are missing the vital point here! :D

They now know where the thieving chav scum live! ;) :p

<edit> And yes i would have stolen it back :D
If he wanted his CDs back he could have taken them out of the car and failed to mention it.

Personally I'd have phoned the police, I'd find the satisfaction of their prosecution very rewarding, it would also make it easier for those who they rob in the future to gain a prosecution too. If the car was burnt out, or even just stolen, the insurance company would have coughed up.

Ant :cool:
Well, the police came round and took prints. Took away the fag packet etc.
That took them about 4 hours. So presumably the thieves would have left by then.
People saying mess with the engine/tyres etc. What if the chavs would have noticed?
Presumably they would have come out and been a little angry...

Hopefully they won't be able to memorise the plate like. Otherwise there'll be repurcussions when they see it parked a few streets away...

Strange thing is. Nothing was stolen. And only a bit of petrol was gone...

There was a DVD player in the boot FFS. If I had stolen a car I'd have taken that...

Silly thing to do.

1) No, I'd have watched it and called the police, and made note of where they parked it, presumably their house.

2) He's welcome to take it back. But by doing so he's essentially scuppered any chance of proscuting the thieves. Any lawyer would tear the prosecution to shreds over this, even if it was accepted to court and I doubt the CPS would touch it with a bargepole. The police know this and have basically told you as much... no possibility of a convinction now. If your mate had called the cops they could have caught the chavs driving off with the car without keys... *bam* car theft. As it stands it's now your mate's word vs their's with not a shred of evidence to back your mate up. Even if there are fingerprints it wouldn't be enough.

3) No, not a thing.

I suppose there was a risk of permanently losing the car if your mate's had called the cops. So perhaps they made the right choice. But it was a choice between prosecuting them and risking the car, or getting the car but losing any chance of a conviction. Actually even if they had been caught they'd have got a caution... in retrospect it probably was the right choice, heh.
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A5H said:
Hopefully they won't be able to memorise the plate like. Otherwise there'll be repurcussions when they see it parked a few streets away...

Strange thing is. Nothing was stolen. And only a bit of petrol was gone...

There was a DVD player in the boot FFS. If I had stolen a car I'd have taken that...


Now look at what you just posted and ask youself whether anyone who had stolen a car, apparently parked only a couple of streets away, then parked outside their house would have enough brain power to memorise 7 digits/letters. :D :P
It was stolen from quite far away. Just a wierd coincidence it ended up 2 streets away from his house :|
I think the sensible thing would've been to inform the police first, but they did nothing wrong in stealing it back as technically it's not even stealing.
A5H said:
It was stolen from quite far away. Just a wierd coincidence it ended up 2 streets away from his house :|

That is very strange indeed. Does your mate live in a well "dodgy" area?

<edit> surely if its yours and registered to you its not stealing its recovering. :p
A5H said:
So, my questions are:

Would you have stolen your car back?


What the hell are the police playing at? It's his property he should be allowed to take it back.

Arguably, but in taking it back, he will have severely damaged or destroyed any potetial forensic evidence such as fingerprints etc. Also, in taking the car back he potentially put himself at risk. Who is to say the chavs wouldn't have attacked him ? The police would never say take it back yourself.

If the police can't do anything. What else can be done?

They can do something, although your mates actions have made it harder.
jegz said:
That is very strange indeed. Does your mate live in a well "dodgy" area?

<edit> surely if its yours and registered to you its not stealing its recovering. :p

Nope it's a nice area :|
Doesn't make sense at all
Hmmm never really saw the profit in car crime tbh nowadays. A friend of a friends car got stolen in bristol the other day off of his drive! and was recovered in St pauls with nothing stolen and blood all over the door.

Seems pointless tbh if there's no money in it! :confused:
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