What blows my mind is that people seem to genuinely believe that he isn't doing anything wrong and should be getting the foul. They say "hes going for the ball and if the other guy doesn't jump into him he would get it". Thats like arguing its not a foul because if the player wasn't between you and the ball you wouldn't have touched him.
The same crap argument against it comes out as well. "If it wasn't Harry Kane doing it you wouldn't care" or "other players do it too".
I don't know anyone that hates Harry Kane. I think he buys a lot of penalties but beyond that hes a fantastic player. The reason he gets singled out for it is that I haven't seen anyone else do it consistently and maliciously like Kane does. Players get singled out when they are repeatedly doing dangerous things on the pitch that others do once in a blue moon.
There is a video of a Korean play who broken his neck a few years ago from a similar action to what Kane is doing. Eventually it will happen in the PL.