Casino Royal - Review Thread *Spoilers*

9 Jun 2005
A Beer Garden in the Toon
Firstly can we please post NO SPOILERS

Just got in from watching this. What a film!

Seeing Bond as a cocky arrogant guy takes a bit of getting used to, but I personally like him.

The film itself is very good (My fave Bond by far), from the opening scenes to the climatic end, I was sucked in. The film just gets better the more you watch. There are plenty of little twists and turns, and well as some big ones, and just when you think its all over, Bam, its not.

I would love to go into specifics but I dont want to spoil it for anyone.

Go and See it!

"Vodka Martini"
"Shaken or stirred"
"Do I look like I give a dam!" :D

Oh, and yes he does drive a Mondeo :cool:
TheMagicPirate said:
There are plenty of little twists and turns, and well as some big ones, and just when you think its all over, Bam, its not.

Agreed :)

Think this thread should have a spoiler warning though, if its going to be a review thread :\

Anyway to add to the quotes...

'Push the red button!'

God there was another one about the woman not being his type and she said because she was 'smart' no 'single'. lol

Fit though... what a bod! Shame about the ears!

BB x
"That last hand nearly killed me" ;)

Needs a spoiler warning on here tbh - So don't read any further if you haven't seen it.

I enjoyed the film, but for me it didn't really seem like a Bond film. No real car chase - hardly any AM action, No Q, Monty Norman Theme right at the end, the names "Bond, James Bond" right at the end, hardly any of the UK on it and when we did see it, I was expecting MI6 - we got Houses of Parliament.
I thought the film was excellent, but the style has changed so so much. :)
After the pile of tosh that was Die Another Day, I was really unsure about this film, I had a feeling that the Bond film was dead. The reviews however seem to be good, but is it a bond film???

I can't describe what I mean by this really but I'm sure people will know what I mean, there is something about Bond films that makes then special and different from other action films. Die Another Day was distinctly lacking in this feeling (except from the really promising opening which I thought was great).

Does Casino Royale have theat Bond feeling???

Take away the fact that it is a Bond Film (I know that's the point) but you would be left with an average action thriller in my opinion.

Who was the title song by by the way? I didn't recognise the name, unless its someone from a popular band?

BB x
Nah I'm just a girl - who doesn't take notice of band members names...especially if they haven't been around for a while... ;) thanks!

Sure I wouldn't be alone not knowing who he is though...compared to the other names who have sung the title song I would say he was reasonably unknown?

BB x
Ooopsss ok I hold my hands up!

Wasn't as catchy as the other songs though.. opening credits were good though - by that I mean the animation.

I was surprised there weren't any other trailers though, must be because it was the Premiere...still I expected someone to get in.

One other thing I have to mention while I am on the subject - Placement placement placement! :p

BB x
Went to see it last night as well, excellent Bond film, much more dark and gritty than previous incarnations. Craig makes an excellent and believable Bond and the I really enjoyed the performance.

I'd give it 8 our of 10 but can't wait to see Craig in another Bond film.

Just got back from seeing it, fantastic film, love the new direction, action sequences were cool and some nice interesting twists here and there, also throws out most of the bond cliches too, which was good.
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