Casino Royal - Review Thread *Spoilers*

Echoing the sentiments on here...It's brilliant. Craig did a great job and I'm looking forward seeing him in the next Bond.
Over all I like the film (miles better than die another day) it has to have one on the worst theme song I’ve have ever heard in a bond film.
The style has changed, and for the better. Craig pulls off the role not only convincingly, but reveals more about Bond than any of the Brosnan films could. I'm relieved that Q didn't make an apperance. These silly encounters of technophilia were formulaic and added nothing other than raising the bar of silliness to a new level with each film. Focusing on persona is so much more fufilling.

The production definitely gets better as it progresses. I thought that the acrobatic manoeuvers in the initial chase were a little far fetched, and perhaps the Miami scenes too. Thankfully the film settles and gets down to business afterwards, building real tension in the Montenegro card game and surrounding events.

Thoroughly enjoyed it, more of the same please.
Saw this last night, and I loved it, really thought Craig did an amazing job and thought the new style worked amazingly well.

But I was left a little confused, at the beginning of the film, when he isnt a 00 agent, and the guy says his kill record is 0. I know Casino Royale was the first book by Ian Flemming, so is this basically setting place before all the other bond films where he gets his 00 status and license to kill.

But in that case, how come it mentions 9/11 in the film, surely that means the time is set ahead of a lot of the other Bond films due to references they make in them about real world events etc

So whats going on? lol
Anyone else feel fairly let down by the inconclusive ending? If you post spoilers identify them please :)
I think it was an excellent film,

However the freerunning chase was a bit ott. Seems odd that both of them can run jump and climb like monkeys...

The product placement was funny, I remember counting all the jags outside of the casino.. i saw that the drive in use in security room was non other than Bluray, sony phones and laptops etc.

It was a bit more realistic than other bonds, other than the chase at start it was a bit darker and more interesting.

I thought it was one of the best ones to date
you don't GET any action movies now unless they are already established! the film co's don't take ANY risks anymore!
I'm not a massive Bond follower, so this is probably a silly question but:

Is he a new James Bond? As in not just a new actor but a new actual person? A new agent taking the last one's position or something?
A bit confused because I always thought James Bond was a fixed character throughout all the films. But in this one he's just been given his 00 status and is on his first mission.

But that's impossible because it's set in modern times, way after the first movies when it was in the sixties or whatever. In this film he's driving a new Mondeo/Aston Martin and using a smartphone and VAIO laptop. So it's obviously set after the other films. :confused:
iCraig said:
I'm not a massive Bond follower, so this is probably a silly question but:

Is he a new James Bond? As in not just a new actor but a new actual person? A new agent taking the last one's position or something?
A bit confused because I always thought James Bond was a fixed character throughout all the films. But in this one he's just been given his 00 status and is on his first mission.

But that's impossible because it's set in modern times, way after the first movies when it was in the sixties or whatever. In this film he's driving a new Mondeo/Aston Martin and using a smartphone and VAIO laptop. So it's obviously set after the other films. :confused:

See my above post mate, I asked exactly the same as you hehe

Still no answer tho :(
It's because they take the books and apply them to modern times.

Just think of it as a new beginning, like the new Batman, forget the other films.
Do you expect it to be made in the same era as the book? that would be stupidly complex to film.

Its not that confusing really. Its earlier than other bonds yes... but its filmed later.... obviously.. lol
I thought it was good, up there but certainly no Spy Who Loved Me or Goldeneye imo.

Thought Craig was very good, certainly better than most peoples initial worries.
I think with Bond movies you just have to ignore time completely, hell the guys been around for 40 years and hasn't aged a day but has changed his appearance about 6 times :p

The books are all so old now the plots and settings don't really match the current political world climate, it isn't the cold war anymore!

As someone said above its the Batman begins of Bond movies, the thing which will confuse more people is the fact Judy Dench returned as M making it seem like it's set after Brosnans films, though she is a far edger character in this film than in any of the other ones.

Overall the best Bond film since Goldeneye (my favourite Bond film) no doubt and a million times better than Die Another Day! Long may the new non cheesy James Bond continue.
I think this was absolutely fantastic. Was so excited about this when I was in the cinema with friends. I had a doubt as to whether I would think the film was good for about 5 minutes somewhere in the middle, but that was short lived.

My favorite thing about this was the fact that the Bond music didn't come in until right at the end. Because in the film, he wasn't really bond. Not knowing how to take his Vodka Martini, falling in love etc. Then right at the end, "Bond... James Bond" and the music kicks in. YES! :D

Was bloody fantastic. Going to see it again tomorrow. :D
naffa said:
I think this was absolutely fantastic. Was so excited about this when I was in the cinema with friends. I had a doubt as to whether I would think the film was good for about 5 minutes somewhere in the middle, but that was short lived.

My favorite thing about this was the fact that the Bond music didn't come in until right at the end. Because in the film, he wasn't really bond. Not knowing how to take his Vodka Martini, falling in love etc. Then right at the end, "Bond... James Bond" and the music kicks in. YES! :D

Was bloody fantastic. Going to see it again tomorrow. :D
^^^said it all. Just got back from the cinema. I loved it. dark, moody and violent with some great one-liners thrown in. Too much product placement in the beginning but other than that nothing to complain about. very, very good:)

Can't really pick any faults with the film, other than the appearance of Branson as a cameo - whatever he paid for it, whatever services he offered on the back of it, I don't think it was worth it. Dates the film instantly.

Branson and his son appeared in the film after Branson provided a plane last-minute for filming:)

i'd say he earned his part:)
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Didn't notice branson, but did notice the virgin "ad" of the plane landing. Bond, brought to you by Sony and Ford...

Never seen so many jags, mondeos, volvos and range rovers in one place!

Good film though. He makes a good bond. He's no Roger Moore though ;)
Saw this last night, it was awesome. Very stripped down, back to basics, no nonsense. Craig was great as Bond, which surprised me. He managed to be fairly charming, but he also had a much harder edge to him which was pretty cool. Great stunts, great fights. The plot ran along nicely, bar a couple of moments when it ran just a touch too fast or too slow. Good twists and turns. Well written and some good lines in there. Even a few laughs, but not in the cheesy way we've had in Bond films for a while.

Overall, it was brilliant. Next one should be great too.
went to see this on friday night and its a pretty good film although there wasnt quite enough dry wit that you would see in early connery/moore films.i thought the film dragged on a little bit though and i actually prefered pierce brosnan as 007 than daniel craig but he did a pretty good job
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