Casino Royal - Review Thread *Spoilers*

its not exactly a prequel is it? its a remake. casino royal was flemming's first bond novel and dont forget it was already made into a film 30 years ago this year, albeit it was a spoof. this is a remake with a new timeline, just as they did with batman begins
I think they definitely made the right decision in modernising it. Having it set in the 60's would have been shocking to say the least.
Its not a prequal.
Its a reboot & remake.
Remake of the original Casio Royal, and a restart of Bond. An 'alternative dimention' bond if you will.
It essentially allows the creators more breathing room for the next bunch of Bond films.
I have to say I didn't enjoy it as much as previous films, none have compared to Goldeneye in my view, but that said I haven't seen all of the Bonds.

Too little action, too much poker. Poker's great and all, but only when you're actually playing!

I think Craig is an OK replacement, wonder how he'll compare to Brosnan in the long run!
Think is, we have seen all the action and chases etc... i think this new film has taken the right turn, we can start too see something else. Some character development, some humanity, just bringing it down a few tones in some areas while increasing it in others.
Bond :

Connery - Good
Moore - Hit and miss - got to be MASSIVELY cheesey in some of the films, good in others
Lazenby - Poor.
Dalton - I liked him :( The Living Daylights was good, but I think a wrong move was made in making License To Kill a more violent film, with a lot less pinache, a very B grade film.
Brosnan - Good. Goldeneye proved this, back to a more Connery esque bond. Sadly ALL his other films had completely ridiculous plots, too much CGI, too many gadgets for the sake of it and were generall very immature IMO. Foiled by the films, ala Dalton.

They took a right turn IMO, and for everyone that says Craig isn't "Bond" enough, too unrefined etc... he's not supposed to be, this is before he picks up the mannerisms and refinement, hes a new recruit, not an experienced superspy.
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