Casino Royal - Review Thread *Spoilers*

This for me is my Favourite bond Movie. I'm not really a major Bond fan and I prob could only name a few names of the films however I know how a bond film is supposed to make you feel.

This film for me makes me want to act out everything that bond does. He isn't perfect at everything he does but he completes what he sets out to do.

Throughout the film we are shown that many of his decisions are taken without a thought of the consequence. Running into a Complex with Cameras and everything around. Just as we think it's game over he finds a way out of the situation.

I am sure that over the next few films such incidents will be minimal. We will be put into a situation where we won't know how the hell he is going to get out of it but he has everything covered and pre-planned.

THIS is when we will truly see BOND.

I loved how bond could do certain things but in his own style. The free running sequence i absolutely loved. Seeing the man Dive through the car and then Bond run around it. The guy just vaulting over the fence and then Bond having to pull himself over. It just made me feel that this film was going to be more realistic than its predecessors.

Bond is about cool little gadgets. The defibrilator, the sophisticated Dashboard which held his gun. These were just simple nods to what we are usually used to. I am sure that over the next few films more gadgets will be introduced but in a more realistic nature.

Overall I Enjoyed the film and I think he makes a great Bond.
He has the funny one liners and his voice suits the character really well.

The incident in the Casino where he says

"You want to do what to me?"
And then whispers in her ear "Drag me to the Room"
Just made me smile.

I'm definately looking forward to the future films. I don't care it's the start of his career, so far for me it is how Bond should be. More realistic, more adult.

frakker said:
Sony Ericsson M600i (White)
Absolutely worst Sony Ericsson since black and white era by the way. Just about everything about it is annoying if you ever used normal Sony Ericssons.
v0n said:
Absolutely worst Sony Ericsson since black and white era by the way. Just about everything about it is annoying if you ever used normal Sony Ericssons.

i have a w810i which i love, i had the sliding round 1 before, s700i i think and ive had some of the earlier ones.

all brilliant phones bu whats annoying about it?
the_one_deep86 said:
i have a w810i which i love, i had the sliding round 1 before, s700i i think and ive had some of the earlier ones.

all brilliant phones bu whats annoying about it?

I have k750i and K800i and love them both to bits, just like T610 before them but M600i is just one bad phone. It's symbian based, with that shoddy, laggy P series interface, except this one is even more inconsistant and random, there is no quick nav pad or joystick, instead you have scroll wheel on the side like in ancient Sony phones just that this time the phone is ackward to use, as it's too wide to fit in hand and scroll with proper, safe grip. Keyboard is querty - why - no one knows, layout is different that pc - four rows - so it's only confusing when you type sms - it's neither here nor there. Oh, and you have to do practically everything via pointer and touchscreen, because lack of joystick and lameness of interface and menus. So it's a phone for someone who has two hands free and a lot of time. And I mean, a lot of time, we crashed that phone maybe 3 times before it let us retrieve all IMAP headers and read first message.

Now back to Bond...

I hear Vini Jones will be casted for the next Bond, apparently Craig wasn't rough, tough and dumb enough for US audience, where some cartoon about penguins beat 007 to the top of the box office. :D
After seeing Daniel Craig in Layer Cake I didn't understand the backlash against him being picked for the Bond role at all. However for some reason I preferred him in Layer Cake.

Casino Royale is a great film, but after the success of Bourne Identity / Supremacy I was kinda expecting this anyway; for them to realise where they had gone wrong, ditch the cheesiness and get back to reality. That said, it's not nearly as dark or as gritty as I hoped it would be; in hindsight I think they struck the balance quite well - it is Bond film afterall, a certain amount of unbelievability/grandeur/glamour is to be expected.

I like the theme tune, it's about time Chris Cornell was given this sort of recognition since he has a great voice. The tune works well with the opening sequence. The absence of the Bond theme during scenes was noticible though - even that scene in From Russia With Love where Connery is doing something completely mundane i.e. checking around his hotel room for bugs is made cool as **** by the theme tune playing over the top.

SPOILER The bit where Bond completely disregards his fake identity at the reception of the hotel made me lol embarrasingly all over the **** cinema.
Even though I have no idea how to play poker I thought these scenes were great, somehow it's a lot more gripping / dangerous when he is sitting blatently in front of his enemy with no doubts about either's agenda. The poisoning scene and the torture scene were great too. Definitely felt his pain in the latter - makes the one in Die Another Day seem tame! (Considering everyone at the time were OMG astonished that the invincible 007 could be captured and tortured). And also 'lol'ed all over the place at the jokes about 'tickling his balls'.

Didn't feel as though the card playing scenes dragged on in particular, but the love scenes at the end did. Because it dragged on for so long, it was obvious there was a twist coming - plus there is always some bad guy lurking about at the end of a Bond film that has been forgotten about. Reminiscent of the awful 'Her Majestys Secret Service' where Bonds wife died, hopefully there will be less emotional involvement stuff in the next film. I anticipated the double bluffing of the bad guy's twitching poker face too.

Anyway, it's a great film with some great moments, not totally what I was expecting but definitely the overdue and well deserved kick up the **** the Bond franchise badly needed. Although I agree that it's the best Bond film since god only knows when, for some reason I remain not totally and utterly convinced, however I suspect this film might be a grower and that the sequel will clinch the deal for me.

EDIT: Just read some previous posts and was reminded that I also thought the filming wasn't very good, noticibly so at the beginning. Don't know if it improved later on or whether I just got used to it, but some of those shots where the camera is zooming into a location and the writing comes up telling audience where it is made me panic. Agree it looked a tad cheap.
Also: I KNEW I had seen Richard ****** Branson. Thankfully he only did his Tyler Durden impression once.
Some of these comments questioning the continuity remind me of when I had problems as a child understanding the concept of a different actor playing the same role. "Where the **** is James Bond? Who the hell is Roger Moore?" I had only seen the Connery ones. Hilarious.
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I saw this last night. I'm not to sure about the plot, there wasn't enough there! The bad guy wasn't the bad guy taking over the world, he had no secret lair or dyabolical plan or comedy henchmen. The film seemed to peter out after he got knocked off and something then big had to happen at the end - which it didn't!

The film was fairly good and gritty (and very violent for a 12) action film. Daniel Craig and everyone else were good as were the action and stunts. He is maybe not as cheesy slick like the old ones while he is drinking or relaxing in fact he is a lot more casual in appearence than other Bonds.

Anyway for me it was not really a Bond film, it wasn't light and fun with a definite ending! A friend said this was the first of a series around the same villian but this is Bond not Lord of the Rings!
Saw it last night, I thought it was awesome! Looking forward to the rest of them, and finding out about who the group is. I liked the guy at the end with one eye, pretty old school Bond !!
greenlizard0 said:
I particularly like it at the end where she drowns. This is after that really annoying scene where she *gives* herself to James Bond.

This is deffo one of the better bonds I feel, the ones with Pierce Brosnan weren't that good imo..


The way she drowns is really dodgy and sad at the same time, she breathes in water, that bit is very sad with the music and that image makes you cringe inside. :eek:


I thought it was so good I went to see it again with other friends :D You pickup new things the 2nd time round, and I still wanna see it again :D
Best Bond film in my opinion. I liked the rugged Bond look. :)
I didn't think I'd like it very much as I liked Brosnan but it was really good. The action was so much better than the last movie. It's also really funny to be sitting between two guys who are flinching as he gets tortured :p
naffa said:
Things like him not knowing how to take his vodka martini,
Oh yeah I loved that bit. Him saying that he'd have to come up with a name for it. Saw CR today with a mate. We both liked it. I never had a problem with Craig being blonde. Its not as if Bond's face has stayed the same over the 21 Bond films is it?:rolleyes:

Through out the film I was waiting for the "The name's Bond, James Bond" line. I thought it was quite a neat touch putting that where they did.

Overall a good move for the franchise I think. I loved Brosnan as 007 with Goldeneye easily being the best of his era although TWINE was pretty good too but as others have said the CGI, product placement and some gadgets got a bit too silly for me. Craig has impressed me as 007 and I can't wait for the next one. Wonder what it'll be called and who the Bond totty will be next time out.;)
Seen it three times now and it's still bloody awesome. :D

The theme (I Know Your Name, I think?) by Chris Cornell is absolutely spot on. Love it, and when he turns round and shoots the bad guy in the beginning and the blood pours down... YES!

Ahh... This truly is an amazing film. I've only seen The World Is Not Enough onwards at the cinema (three films) as I'm so young.. But each of them have been brilliant and this one has been exceptional. :D

And at the end, "The name's Bond... James Bond" YYYEEESSSS!!!!! :D
MrMacca said:
The incident in the Casino where he says

"You want to do what to me?"
And then whispers in her ear "Drag me to the Room"
Just made me smile.



What he says is "You just said you can't wait to get me back to the room, come on"

v0n said:
Absolutely worst Sony Ericsson since black and white era by the way. Just about everything about it is annoying if you ever used normal Sony Ericssons.


I have the M600i (Black)

I have loved every second with it. One of the best phones I've ever used

My k750i was total carp
saw this with my partner at the weekend, really enjoyed it.

seeing the early trailers some months ago i think we'd both pretty much assumed it would be terrible. i was guessing this couldn't be the case from the unanymous reviews i was seeing last week.

watching it we thought this is really a new era for bond, and the direction is definitely spot on. i'm no 'bond fan' but have always enjoyed watching these films growing up. when a new film comes out i take an interest and try to go see it. but i think now i'll make these a priority, something i genuinely look forward to.

the action was superby done. some parts realistic and gritty, others completely ott but awesome to watch. humour was excellent with the one liners being delivered suprisingly well. and it had a very 'different' feel to the plot. i think the story was supposed to feel very different to traditional bond films.

i think the very end scene in the film is superb, makes it a bit of a classic in my view.

change is definitely a good thing.
Just got back from seeing it. I didn't think I was going to like it, I've never been a big fan of the franchise and I don't think Craig has the look of a Bond. However, I knew he would be more gritty but I didn't know the part would be too. He plays that very well and I was impressed. He's no Roger Moore but I'd put him second behind him.

Looking forward to the next release now :)

v0n said:
I always presumed they all basically took the name - James Bond with the 007 license.
Did you have any basis for this presumption? As mentioned I've never been a big fan of the franchise but I never assumed that...

Goatboy said:
I can't believe people are questioning the time line, Bond was floating around in space shooting lasers 30 years ago, the absurd time line and lack of continuity (Blofeld and Felix's appearances for instance) has always been something you ignore. James Bond is his real name and it's always the same character, I thought people knew this :confused:
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