Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 1 (FAO: Mods not the sequel!!!)

Fully live now 15.4GB download though no pre-load either :rolleyes: but at least they did not hold it back until the UK retail release on Friday (like Steam usually do!).

See you in a few hours :D
Yea, takes a while to kick off. Stick with it. You won't regret it, immerse your self in the story!
Camera is gonna take some getting used to!

It is quite fun, but already too many unfailable QTEs for my liking!
Give it time most of the game has no QTE's its just the preview before the serious part of the game begins.

The first hour or so is the prologue/preview really then the game gets serious & starts to reveal why its so epic :D
Seems like a nice game but i was getting wierd flashing square gfx bug every now and then....on 326.80 drivers.Constantly 120+ fps maxed too.
I am sure I will get I to it, and enjoy it greatly, but the first hour so far encapsulates everything I hate about modern games.

In particular, a bit where you are wading through a swamp very slowly(I hate bits like that anyway ) and every 5 or so steps it throws in a pathetic QTE. If you fail it, the game restarts a few seconds earlier, and you have to do it again until you have done it how they want you to. It is so unimaginative, and really poor game design:mad:... I mean, who thought "oh that will be fun, put that in!" :rolleyes:

I have abandoned quite a few games recently for similar things. I'll stick wit this though, as I have no doubt I will get in to it.
Its an epic hack n slash/god of war/ico/shadow of the collossus clone on PC first few chapters are a little slow it improves a lot as it goes on some of the artwork has to be seen to be believed :eek:

Give it time you will see why its still one of the best player rated SP experiences on the consoles & even on the easiest difficulty its rock hard in places :eek:

No time for screenshots now but it does look quite special on PC !!
Christ... Patrick Stewart really phoned this in didn't he!

Does that mean it's good or bad? Haha.

I love the narration and even though I have heard each of them a zillion times, I still wait until he finishes speaking before pressing start :P

Can't decide between this or Splinter Cell Blacklist tonight!!! First world problems!
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