Sorry for the mega necro bump but how is this game? It looks like an equal proportion of people LOVE it and hate it? There's a sale on at Gamesplanet at the moment and even though it's cheap I have to justify every penny to myself. My main problem would be it dragging hugely which some people mention (5 minutes of fun then an hour of tedium and being overlong in general).
Worth playing or am I better off ignoring it and sticking to DmC, Bionic Commando and Enslaved which I already own and haven't yet played.
So I've completed it multiple times over the years on multiple platforms. Having it on PC is the best obviously as it doesn't take much to run it at the highest and specially if you use Nvidia's DSR to run it at a much higher res making it buttery smooth around the edges and crispness.
As for the game, it is a very long game, well, not insanely long, but it's a story more than anything with puzzles, bosses, multiple enemy types and you have one main weapon. You can upgrade your spells/weapon throughout the game to tailor your fighting style. The story is fantastic in my opinion. There are some areas that feel 'dragged' but in the context of the story, it's meant to be like that, why should a swamp be filled with gun ho action (no guns in the game btw) and epic music? It's a swamp, it's meant to sap your energy, be tedious and test you to push through it. Then you get huge towers you slowly scale and the music is going, you're leaping from edge to edge, only to break into the castle and start punishing your self through lots of puzzle rooms designed by Dracula.
Personally, for me, it's an easy 10/10, I love story, I love the setting, I love the combat (it can feel a bit like smashing X is all you do, but once you start unlocking skills and learning how to chain them, it's so much more!). Graphics are obviously not the best by todays standards, but I still adore the art style. I'll load the game up and get a screenshot for you.
Oh, forgot to mention, you can easily back track to different levels to do challenges and stuff to earn more points to unlock more skills.