Castration for sex offenders?

It is quite clearly a mental state, chopping off some giblets wont change that

Are you suggesting there is no correlation between hormones and and mental states?

You have clearly never been around women. Are you a monk living with men only? :p
Because I have a job? and I can feed myself? WTF is everyones problem? I really don't see why everyone is so shocked that I'm 24, you're all treating me as if I have down syndrone or something

I wonder why poster treat you as such.
Why even bring this up on this forum, most people here really cant argue anything without being crude or uncivilised.
A lot of people on this forum are actually rather intelligent and capable of serious discussion.

It is quite clearly a mental state, chopping off some giblets wont change that, it may infringe on it, but otherwise you probably just made a murderer out of that man.
The flaw with this view is that it's a sweeping generalisation with a wild assumption.

So well done. :mad:
Thanks, glad you participated in the discussion:)
EDIT: I can't just be bothered anymore, who really.....oh whatever

*Walks out of door, and begins to peer through peep hole*
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A lot of people on this forum are actually rather intelligent and capable of serious discussion.

The flaw with this view is that it's a sweeping generalisation with a wild assumption.

Thanks, glad you participated in the discussion:)

The difference between a man who wants them off and one that probably doesn't is that, the former has acknowledged his problem and wants deal with, likely meaning that he wont commit any further offensives.

The latter wont care, in fact he might like the fact that he no longer has to worry about children, might even make it worse.

Yes they are assumptions, i really don't mind making them.
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