Castration for sex offenders?

The difference between a man who wants them off and one that probably doesn't is that, the former has acknowledged his problem and wants deal with, likely meaning that he wont commit any further offensives.
The thing is there was a guy I saw in an interview on TV here saying that he acknowledged his problem, wanted to change but couldn't as he always had the niggling urge in the back of his head which held him back before he underwent treatment (can't remeber which type, surgical or chemical, probably the latter as it's more common).
I think it is a good idea. Personally I think rapists and the like should be hung. Not as a deterrent, but because it is the only way you can be sure, as in 100.00000% sure they will never offend again. Plus it saves on tax money.
The thing is there was a guy I saw in an interview on TV here saying that he acknowledged his problem, wanted to change but couldn't as he always had the niggling urge in the back of his head which held him back before he underwent treatment (can't remeber which type, surgical or chemical, probably the latter as it's more common).

That isnt what i meant, both things go together, going through with it willingly is the point, but if you are forced, then frankly, i can only imagine that person becoming aggressive mentally, even with a lack of testosterone.
Why not put all the rapists on an island, then they can rape eachother all day? problem solved lol

Put you on an island, you can troll yourself all day.

Why? whats so wrong with what I say?

If you don't know by now it is a mute point trying to explain.

and what do you do with the thousands of road workers you just made unemployed?

They should actually break rocks every day; all day, not for any purpose or to replace any workers at all, just break rocks, with tiny hammers for no reason at all. Totally pointless but then so was the selfish act they perpetrated on some poor innocent individual/individuals, and they will only be productive for themselves, certain weight broken every day or punishment.
I think it is a good idea. Personally I think rapists and the like should be hung. Not as a deterrent, but because it is the only way you can be sure, as in 100.00000% sure they will never offend again. Plus it saves on tax money.

Don't hang or castrate, leave their existence and all their urges intact death is too quick, they should be locked up they have no outlet for their urges, torture in itself if they have urges so strong they cant control them.

Then there is also the treatment they get from other prisoners, which in any case should leave them terrified every minute of every day they are inside.
I say either cut it off, or make it too small for them to use :)

Quickly repeat myself here. Castration does not invole removing the penis it involes removing the testicles, which in turn dramatically reduces the ammount of testosterone the male body produces, which in turn alters ones mental state.

By removing the penis, you would not effect the persons mood in a good way at all, in fact I'm pretty sure that once out of jail the person would happily find someone to rape with a screwdriver or some such.
OCUK: where the 2001 sex offender hysteria never ended!

No, offenders should not be castrated. Putting aside the fact that there is no shortage of innocent people in prison (how often does this forum yap about women 'crying rape'?), performing medical procedures against a person's will is barbaric. The victims of such measures would probably never properly integrate back into society, having been denied any chance of a family at worst or subjected to pointless and vindictive medical 'intervention' at best.
No, offenders should not be castrated.

I think you missed the point about it not being forced, but given to offenders who willingly ask for it to be done.

Do you not agree that it should be allowed if an offender actually would like to be castrated?
And your reason for this stopping someone from raping someone would be...?

How could you physically rape someone if you no longer have nothing down there. The woman would probably laugh not scream :D

And the same reason cutting a thiefs hand off, knowing that could be the penalty for such a horrible crime might be enough to deter people. Mentally unstable people probably not so, but those knowing what they are doing might think twice.

Got nothing else to say, wasn't looking for a discussion just blurting out really :p
Give them a compulory sex change would be one idea?

Or blow their manhood off with a shotgun at close range? lol
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