Poll: Cat's murder spree

Is your cat a crazed killer?

  • A kill a day

    Votes: 13 6.5%
  • A kill a week

    Votes: 24 11.9%
  • A kill a month

    Votes: 28 13.9%
  • Vegan

    Votes: 11 5.5%
  • My cat only eats pancakes and doesn't care whether they're made of meat or vegetables

    Votes: 28 13.9%
  • I don't have a cat

    Votes: 111 55.2%

  • Total voters
My cat struggles with a medium sized moth. There was a huge rat dead by our bin last year and I think she has re-evaluated how much time she spends outside since. She is an abject coward and would be dead in days if she ever ran away from home.
My cat owning neighbour (18st burly ex-rugby player) is deathly afraid of birds, which is exactly what his dumb cat has decided it will bring to him as a present every few weeks. After a panicked door knock followed by "it's done it again!" it's usually my role to be the "see if it's dead or alive and, if it's alive but too badly injured to survive, finish it off" person in this very strange 3 way friendship.
I enabled the ‘multiple options’ on the poll just for that reason ;)

I see what you did there.. mine will often be out there sitting in a triangle... if this happens I know they are up to something, mine are all about the same age, I have a brother and sister then a rescue who fits with them perfectly, they are like a little family who play, sleep and hunt together.

We need a group hunt option as mine somehow took down a seagull (must have been injured or something as thats massive pray for a cat) between them once. I wasnt home but there was a panic call from the mrs followed by a photo of the cats surrounding the thing. We ended up sticking it inside a cat cage and taking it to the vet.

Edit was trying to find the picture but instead came across a picture of a snake they found.
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The odd house spider now and then, he’s a house cat. The birds are safe from the scourge of cats in our neighbourhood.
If there was an option for several kills per day I'd have gone for that - our recently adopted cat is relentless, bringing home all sorts of rodents, usually around 11pm and 3am. He does a very distinct meow when he brings one in too, as if he's calling us down for dinner.
Willow never practiced sustainable hunting in her yoof. She killed the vole babies and the parents, and was then surprised to find that there were no more voles to kill.

Had the odd bird over the years, but voles were her thing until they were all gone. And at 20-something she's a bit old for that game now.
Of the two cats one a female was a determined killer the other other a ginger tom couldn't give a t*ss. Far too much effort and distracted from chilling out time and swaggering around the neighbourhood chasing off other cats muscling in on his territory. I miss him.
the cats at my dads regularly capture small/baby rabbits and bring them back to 'play' with them before finally eating almost every single piece :o used to chase the cats and put the rabbits out their misery but it's a lost cause so just have to put up with the horrible shrieking of a tortured rabbit now...

had to distract one of the cats last year to let this squirrel escape

Our cat brought home a few sausages one summer, were too burnt to be edible.

Dragged a Crow through the cat flap on new years day, made a right mess of the living room, but the crow seemed OK when I let it go in the garden.
Where is the option for 'My cat only tries to kill me (when not wanting food or affection)'?

Actually, the attempted murder can be combined with both of the other options but you see what I mean.
I'd rather that then what my cats used to do, just catch them and release them alive in the house.
I have a theory about this, essentially I believe that humans have historically selected cats for breeding by their ability to catch mice, except we measured that based on how often we witnessed the mousing occurring. This caused the behaviour to bring mice home to become especially common, overriding the instinct to actually kill and eat their prey in a significant number of cats. Probably loads of reasons why this is totally wrong, but I enjoy it so whatever :p
Ours seems to be mellowing. She used to drag a couple of wood pigeons in through the cat flap every week. Sitting on top of the shed until one landed in reach was the usual tactic. So many feathers…..

She’d bring in occasional mice and rats as well. The one she left alive behind the sofa with its legs bitten off was particularly unpleasant. Blood all up the skirting boards…

Nothing for weeks now though. A couple of mice eaten outdoors is all I can remember her killing in recent months.
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