Census 2011: fewer than half of people living in London are white

18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
I'm white and have no issues with the statistic posted in the thread title. London is a world city and it's the same in major cities all over the world.

However, I can understand why people worry or not like it. Things are changing fast and humans in general don't like change.
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
My argument is only really for cultural change where immigrants choose not to integrate regardless of skin colour.

If im reading this right, 4.3 million white british have moved out of london, since 2001, why would they move out? is it cultural unrest ?

I'd be interested to know where you get the figure of 4.3m white British from? London itself has somewhere around 8.2m people at present and not all of them would have been white in 2001 either. If you include the extra-urban areas then you get much bigger numbers for the population though.

This comment piece suggests that it is around 620,000 white British who have left London in the decade between the censuses. That means that either there's a massive discrepancy between the figures or that in the past year or two since the census ~3.7m white British have left which would be an increase of six times over the previous rate.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
When the census said British White in the title - it doesn't take into consideration non British "Whites". There are hundreds of thousands of French people that live in London. Germans. Swedes. Etc... A lot of them will be "white" (though not all since the term "white" is now such a loose expression). There will be some Americans, Australians, South Africans who are all non "British".

Then, of course, there will be people from all of those countries, who are non "White". As well as people from countries where Caucasian is not the majority.

And then, there are all the British and ENGLISH people who are not "white".

I really don't see the problem with any of the above. All the non British and non English people are bringing trade in, paying taxes and contributing to our society and giving us more. All these cultures, and this melting hot pot of people gives us so much - I LOVE it. Long may it stay.

Also, let's not forget the census was completed by people who are here, more than likely, legally anyway - so all this talk of "illegals" is a little pointless.

Furthermore, the ratio of "whites" may be going down because people have decided to move out of London, or move abroad. What's wrong with that?
18 May 2006
Craterloads, chill brah
Snob because I suggested that bar work etc.. is preferable to cleaning toilets? I just think its a bit of a fail to get a job cleaning toilets for (if we're to believe the previous poster) below minimum wage and having to work till 4am.

Bar work is public facing, maybe he has a great face for radio, I don't know?
Either way someone is not defined by the job they choose or through lack of opportunity, have to do.
Having seen the conditions in which students generally live, I would class them as too incompetent to be a cleaner. You didn't suggest one is preferable, you clearly said the job is **** and by implication he was somehow less than you.

Picking on someone because they do a job with a perceived lower status does in fact label you as a massive snob. Kudos to the guy for doing what he had to.
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4 Jan 2013
So the fact they were there didn't actually prevent you from getting a job and your main complaint is actually about the particular employer who exploited you.

Having been a student too I can't say it was particularly taxing to find part time work... I don't know of anyone who resorted to cleaning bogs at 4am... bar work, tutoring, summer internships were standard though. Just sounds like an epic fail on your part.

Also - FYI - the term 'coloureds' isn't always received well.

Actually, I had a day job as well in a nice air conditioned office as well, so screw you and your assumptions.

I had to proactively hunt for these jobs, half my university turned up for jobs in the local superstores on the first few days.

Not everyone has parents who give them enough to allow them to sit on their arse like most students. (not that I hold any rancour, looking at the job market and the way it is shaping, they should enjoy the good times whilst they last).
29 Jan 2008
You didn't suggest one is preferable, you clearly said the job is **** and by implication he was somehow less than you.

Picking on someone because they do a job with a perceived lower status does in fact label you as a massive snob. Kudos to the guy for doing what he had to.

The job is **** - why on earth would you think a cleaning job illegally paying below minimum wage and seemingly requiring someone to work till 4am is anything other than ****.

I picked up on his post because he was winging about 'coloureds' and seemingly blaming immigrants for the conditions of his cleaning job. My implication was simply that he had failed massively by even taking it - someone who is brought up over here, speaks the language fluently, is here legally and somehow got into university who then accepts an illegal cleaning job paying below minimum wage and working in unsanitary conditions really should have a word with themselves.
If you think I'm a snob and someone deserves kudos for that then you're a bit of a pleb tbh...
29 Jan 2008
Actually, I had a day job as well in a nice air conditioned office as well, so screw you and your assumptions.

Should probably manage your finances better tbh... day job + student loan + illegal blow minimum wage cleaning job till 4am....... = fail

You're hardly unique in having to pay your own way though university.
4 Jan 2013
The job is **** - why on earth would you think a cleaning job illegally paying below minimum wage and seemingly requiring someone to work till 4am is anything other than ****.

I picked up on his post because he was winging about 'coloureds' and seemingly blaming immigrants for the conditions of his cleaning job. My implication was simply that he had failed massively by even taking it - someone who is brought up over here, speaks the language fluently, is here legally and somehow got into university who then accepts an illegal cleaning job paying below minimum wage and working in unsanitary conditions really should have a word with themselves.
If you think I'm a snob and someone deserves kudos for that then you're a bit of a pleb tbh...

lol, way to go to misquote me in the context of what I said.

And yes the problem with the job was the immigrants. Cleaning places is never pleasant, but its got to be done by someone. I have no issue with that. My issue is when there is so much labour available that is willing to put up with terrible wages and conditions.

If they didn't have such exploitative powers, then they would have had to pay a decent wage/better conditions. Such powers only come about when you have immigration that brings people who are happy to accept the rock bottom.

Hence why I said earlier about immigration needing to be more discerning.
18 May 2006
The job is **** - why on earth would you think a cleaning job illegally paying below minimum wage and seemingly requiring someone to work till 4am is anything other than ****.

Somebody has to do the unpleasant jobs in this world, maybe your mother wasn't that impressed at cleaning your skanky skid marks from age 1-16, are you going to look down on her as well?

Really, take a look at yourself, people are not defined by the jobs they do.
4 Jan 2013
Should probably manage your finances better tbh... day job + student loan + illegal blow minimum wage cleaning job till 4am....... = fail

You're hardly unique in having to pay your own way though university.

Are you hell bent on trying to prove something here? You have absolutely no idea of my financial situation, my relationship with my family (who's wages determines how much you get from loans, even if they don't give ****), average rent and living costs in the south, outgoings, other aspects of life.

Though I guess you're right, I should have definitely gone with the stereotype of refusing to work in a job I thought was beneath me.....

29 Jan 2008
And yes the problem with the job was the immigrants. Cleaning places is never pleasant, but its got to be done by someone. I have no issue with that. My issue is when there is so much labour available that is willing to put up with terrible wages and conditions.

If they didn't have such exploitative powers, then they would have had to pay a decent wage/better conditions. Such powers only come about when you have immigration that brings people who are happy to accept the rock bottom.

Hence why I said earlier about immigration needing to be more discerning.

And that's my issue with what you said - the main problem with that job was an employer breaking the law and going too far. The reason jobs like that can exist is because the people doing them aren't in a position to report the employer - you were however...

In general though, if a job is reduced to minimum wage because it is unskilled and there are plenty people willing to do it then I don't have a problem with that - its part of the reason why immigration is useful in the first place. Paying below minimum wage however isn't on - presumably you reported the employer?
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29 Jan 2008
Are you hell bent on trying to prove something here? You have absolutely no idea of my financial situation, my relationship with my family (who's wages determines how much you get from loans, even if they don't give ****), average rent and living costs in the south, outgoings, other aspects of life.

Though I guess you're right, I should have definitely gone with the stereotype of refusing to work in a job I thought was beneath me.....


Or you should have just stopped feeling sorry for yourself, pulled your thumb out and found other work. Like I said you're not unique - spare me the sob story about a middle class kid who's family doesn't want to support him at university. Your families financial situation is irrelevant - it has a some affect on the amount of loan you receive and that's it.

Blaming your situation on 'coloureds' and other immigrants is lol worthy... you had no one to blame except yourself.
18 May 2006
To an extent... what part of ilegal cleaning job working till 4am did you miss?

Why would I be interested?
I care about somebody belittling another person's circumstances in life, as if that really mattered.
Personally I'm grateful for people doing these jobs and give them a nod, because I know the next 100 people will walk by and just blank them as non persons.

Everyone deserves respect, if you think that makes me a pleb, then I'm a pleb.
29 Jan 2008
Why would I be interested?

Because you've gone down the road of assuming that I was criticising someone simply for doing a particular job when I was criticisng them because they allowed themselves to get exploited in a particular job and then placed blame on their own exploitation on immigrants working in the job rather than the employer.

I care about somebody belittling another person's circumstances in life, as if that really mattered.
Personally I'm grateful for people doing these jobs and give them a nod, because I know the next 100 people will walk by and just blank them as non persons.

I'm grateful for them too, which is why I'm pro immigration. As for a student winging about being poor... and me 'belittling their personal circumstances' lol - yeah cry me a river..... :rolleyes: I paid my way though uni and I know plenty of other people who did too - it didn't require accepting illegal jobs or misplaced anger directed at immigrants.
18 May 2006
Because you've gone down the road of assuming that I was criticising someone simply for doing a particular job when I was criticisng them because they allowed themselves to get exploited
I didn't care about that, I was interested in the bit where you said cleaning was a **** job and that people doing degrees shouldn't do **** jobs because it was somehow beneath them.
FWIW I know someone with a degree and he digs holes for the council.
I know another guy with a Phd in Chemistry and he chooses to look after the house. I don't see how it benefits the world to have people like you assigning imaginary status to one job or another, it doesn't matter.

Ironically, not unlike racists making assumptions about someone's value to society by the colour of their skin.

I'm grateful for them too, which is why I'm pro immigration.
What, only black people should be cleaners?
21 Apr 2007
The problem being cultural unrest and australia doing a good job of telling other cultures to integrate or get out.. Our Government are too scared in this country of being branded racist for doing anything about immigration..

Before labour let a massive amount of immigrants into the country their wasn't talk of immigrants or towns and citys being overrun by them.

The media also make it sound worse than it is as their will still be a majority of people who say they are british regardless of skin colour, people that have integrated..

I still think theirs something wrong with white british being the minority in london. that doesn't make me racist.

irrespective or race or religion, the population of the UK has rose far too much in the last 10years which has put a massive strain on homes, jobs, state spending, maternity units, primary school places etc.


*Rolls eyes* oh no dude because I don't want wizard schools built down the road from me i'm racist...nothing to do with skincolour
25 Nov 2009
Immigrants not integrating makes me a racist now ? This country is doomed

Can I also say your replay to what I've said is really ****ed up
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