Census 2011: fewer than half of people living in London are white

29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
the world business language is British at the moment

No, it's English. 'British' is not a language.

the most religious followers would be Islam

Nope. Christianity is the world's largest religion:


25 Nov 2009
Whats happening ? fewer than half of people living in london are british white.

Its impossible to be ignorant of that fact.

i guess you're not white? if you aren't im fine with you calling the whole country stupid.. i accept and hope you dont think im racist
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8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Whats happening ? fewer than half of people living in london are british white.

Its impossible to be ignorant of that fact.

i guess you're not white? if you aren't im fine with you calling the whole country stupid.. i accept and hope you dont think im racist

Mate its alright, Im white and live in London im keeping the darkies down for you..Personally id be more worried about the Albanians, Latvians, Poles and Irish that live here. They are white tho so i cant be racist towards them, am i doing this right ? EU immigration is ok as long as they have less pigment in their skin and eat pork ? Jeez dont get me started on Hackney its like Israel over there... i am doing this right yeah ?
18 May 2006
We must go deeeper.
All his initial posts were entirely neutral from what I can tell, he had every opportunity to spin this but didn't?

Anyway, I'm waiting for magnolia to say something, given that New Zealand is where all the racists emigrated to, to get away from all the "people of colour"* :)

*Burnsy, am I doing this right?
26 Dec 2009
All his initial posts were entirely neutral from what I can tell, he had every opportunity to spin this but didn't?

Anyway, I'm waiting for magnolia to say something, given that New Zealand is where all the racists emigrated to, to get away from all the "people of colour"* :)

*Burnsy, am I doing this right?

And by him allegedly acting neutral made him Muslim how? The type of thread this is, allowed you to presume he is Muslim how? Quite frankly I don't think you know what you are talking about, possibly echoes from the rectum.

Its called striking a match in a tinder box and letting the retards do the rest of the dirty work.
29 Jan 2008
Wow, what a massive snob you must be :(

Snob because I suggested that bar work etc.. is preferable to cleaning toilets? I just think its a bit of a fail to get a job cleaning toilets for (if we're to believe the previous poster) below minimum wage and having to work till 4am.

If you're here illegally or have trouble speaking the language then its understandable. Someone studying at university though....

I think part of the point you are missing here is that issues arising from immigration adversely affect poor people (black and white). To have rich white people pontificate on how great multiculturalism is, is annoying.

No my point is that someone who was born here, is capable of speaking the language and capable of getting into university then accepts a **** job and attempts to blame immigrants for the conditions at that job probably only has himself to blame for the situation. The only other people to blame are the employers who imposed the conditions - in-fact unlike some of the immigrants he was working with the previous poster was actually in a position where he could have reported the employer.
20 Aug 2010
Accept what's happening to the country???

I'll tell you what's happening to the country; insane retards are reproducing and passing on their ignorance.

It happens in every country.
The most intelligent of society don't want to reproduce as they are concentrating on something else.
I don't believe there will ever be an easy solution to this problem.
25 Nov 2009
My argument is only really for cultural change where immigrants choose not to integrate regardless of skin colour.

If im reading this right, 4.3 million white british have moved out of london, since 2001, why would they move out? is it cultural unrest ?
20 Aug 2010
My argument is only really for cultural change where immigrants choose not to integrate regardless of skin colour.

If im reading this right, 4.3 million white british have moved out of london, since 2001, why would they move out? is it cultural unrest ?

Someone needs to do research on this to find the real answer. The number of white people who move out is dependent on what has happened in the past and lots of other factors. If people can afford to move out and have a lot of money to spare then they will probably will. Regardless of the cultural differences.
20 Aug 2010
Australia seem to be doing a pretty good job.

Yeah, but they also have quite a bit of resources compared to us like mining.
Go and speak to an academic, the last thing a lot of them want to do is reproduce. A lot of them are still as quirky as the current generation of students ( who aren't expected to reproduce anyway).
25 Nov 2009
The problem being cultural unrest and australia doing a good job of telling other cultures to integrate or get out.. Our Government are too scared in this country of being branded racist for doing anything about immigration..

Before labour let a massive amount of immigrants into the country their wasn't talk of immigrants or towns and citys being overrun by them.

The media also make it sound worse than it is as their will still be a majority of people who say they are british regardless of skin colour, people that have integrated..

I still think theirs something wrong with white british being the minority in london. that doesn't make me racist.

irrespective or race or religion, the population of the UK has rose far too much in the last 10years which has put a massive strain on homes, jobs, state spending, maternity units, primary school places etc.
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8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
I still think theirs something wrong with white british being the minority in london. that doesn't make me racist.

But it does my dear chap. As soon as you segregate humans by their colour and start attaching negative and positive comments based purely on the amount of skin pigment they have then that can be deemed as racist, don't you get that ? :p

i think the real issue with immigration is that from the EU, its driving down wages on a whole and contributing to the strain on local services as you edited to point it out. I think something should be done to limit that to some respect because individual countries are not currently structured to absorb potentially 10,000s of extra people overnight.

Companies are always gonna want to employ the cheapest labour and the EU is full of it.
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25 Nov 2009
are you saying the only thing that comes with a non white person is his skin colour ?

isnt their more too it ? like his ancestrial background, his culture, religion ?

So i say again, its a sad day that we're the minority in london today..

its got nothing to do with this thread but religion has gone down loads in this country in 10 years, its crazy.

Didnt it happen in poland first ? they had a population boom, cant remember the year's but because of it, their wasn't enough jobs for the increase in population..

you'd have thought our government pick that fact up and work on keeping immigration under control. Because look whats happened their isnt enough jobs to go round..

the stupid government keep telling us their are more people in work today than their was 10 year ago but thats because their are a lot more people in part time work than their was 10 year ago, their are more people living rent free than 10 year ago and more people renting rather than buying than 10 year ago..they're being forced into work even though they cant afford to really live in this country under the current system.

7 million foreign born in the uk and 2.5 million out of work, it really wouldnt have took much to close the doors would it? then maybe the 2.5 million could have easily found work.. half that 7 million and maybe everyone could have been in full time work..

then non of this **** would have been talked about, everyone would get on a lot better, no-one would have been branded racist for closing the doors apart from the government but thats their job
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8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.

ah caps lock fail but im tired

Skin colour + culture its not really the same kettle of fish

too tired i hope this is still goign on tommrow nn for now.



21 Sep 2006
I'm born here. Went to school, college etc. got a full time job and a part time job.

Only diffrence is I'm not "White" dies that make me an immigrant? Don't think so. I'm not too bothered what colour skin you are, if your a good person then all good.

But as someone mentioned, it's the governments fault in the first place. Problem with non white people, is they have this hatred towards the governments etc.

Yes you can all claim the most immigrant are coming, legaly ir illegally over doing less paid jobs etc

But I bet your *** most will be successful in the end and not even have to work till retirement age that most white people do. I know I won't be working till retirement age. As I already want to retire in about 12/15 years time
14 Feb 2004
I thought I was going nuts when I came back to London for the first time in about 4 years (live in Dubai now) and noticed most people we encountered were either Black or Brown. My fiance noticed it too.

I'm talking from the perspective of someone who was born, raised and spent the better part of the last 26 years there so it's easy to see changes to the demographics.

Now that didn't trouble us nearly as much as the quality of English that is being spoken in the capital. I swear I must've asked for an explanation from about 70% of the people we spoke to. WTF has happened?

Worrying trends.
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