Census 2011: fewer than half of people living in London are white

It won't go much further.

No one really cares that white British is in decline. Why should they. What's so special about them? I'm happy for England to become something it's never been before. Our history isn't good to other country's. so england should be ripped apart for what it's done.

Hopefully in the end England's history should be forgotten and foreigners can concentrate on their own culture. The extremists can then get hold too and start ripping the place apart. I welcome it.

I see nothing wrong in London having not one native white British working there. Nothing wrong with a non white British dictating to the rest of the country.
It won't go much further.

No one really cares that white British is in decline. Why should they. What's so special about them? I'm happy for England to become something it's never been before. Our history isn't good to other country's. so england should be ripped apart for what it's done.

Hopefully in the end England's history should be forgotten and foreigners can concentrate on their own culture. The extremists can then get hold too and start ripping the place apart. I welcome it.

I see nothing wrong in London having not one native white British working there. Nothing wrong with a non white British dictating to the rest of the country.

Hang on, do you write for The Onion and the joke is actually on us? That's actually pretty clever. Satire at its finest and you had us all falling for it.

[FnG]magnolia;23821632 said:
No, he's always been a mini Dirtydog but without the charm.

I emailed your post to my x-gf in india and her family in coventry.
They say thank you for giving them a good old laugh..but do say(after reading some of your posts) are you on drugs?

I said no you're always like that :)
[FnG]magnolia;23821939 said:
Hang on, do you write for The Onion and the joke is actually on us? That's actually pretty clever. Satire at its finest and you had us all falling for it.


Thanks for the comments. I'm sure everyone agrees. Immigrants are welcome to take over the whole country.
the solution to this problem is :

USA, British govs and their alias should Stop invading their countries, steal their resources and install Muppet governments, which in turn keep sending that country's resources at low cost or for free.

why 10s of millions of brown, black, Asian..etc left their home land in the first place to seek other lands such as England - London?

Answer: read solution. the ****ing USA, British and their alias ****ed their countries, their life style and their kids future.

do you want the brown, Muslims, Black to leave England tomorrow? then change your ****ing British gov, USA and all their alais to leave their countries alone, and remove all their ****ing CIA and MI6 agents who installed to rule their lands for one reason only (economy).

its a hard truth, which you must face. its your Government/s.

/thread over.
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USA, British govs and their alias should Stop invading their countries, steal their resources and install Muppet governments, which in turn keep sending that country's resources at low cost or for free.
Erm, all your base is belong to us?
Wtf?...it beggars belief that some people still have such views in a modern liberal society. I am not even convinced that some (like the one above Mags) are even serious, I mean installing Big Bird and Kermit as the secret government under a joint covert MI6/CIA task force commanded from England in London?

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the solution to this problem is :

USA, British govs and their alias should Stop invading their countries, steal their resources and install Muppet governments, which in turn keep sending that country's resources at low cost or for free.

why 10s of millions of brown, black, Asian..etc left their home land in the first place to seek other lands such as England - London?

Answer: read solution. the ****ing USA, British and their alias ****ed their countries, their life style and their kids future.

do you want the brown, Muslims, Black to leave England tomorrow? then change your ****ing British gov, USA and all their alais to leave their countries alone, and remove all their ****ing CIA and MI6 agents who installed to rule their lands for one reason only (economy).

its a hard truth, which you must face. its your Government/s.

/thread over.


He's right though :)

We will all leave tommorrow if that was the case, we will leave our homes in our home country and go back to where we belong i guess?

You will see black people rise up and get on a boat back to erm somewhere in Africa. You will see muslims rise up and go back to somewhere muslamic, that includes white european muslims too (i guess)
Don't think we invaded Poland. India yeah fair enough. Africa. Yeah ok we did but it wasn't this generation and all wars today were thought up by governments. Not the people.

Because of what they have done. People have to sit back and accept what is happening to the country.
I don't know of anyone who resorted to cleaning bogs at 4am... bar work, tutoring, summer internships were standard though. Just sounds like an epic fail on your part.
Wow, what a massive snob you must be :(

I think part of the point you are missing here is that issues arising from immigration adversely affect poor people (black and white). To have rich white people pontificate on how great multiculturalism is, is annoying.

This is pretty much what I think for people who post threads like this.
What, like this thread made by Matdom? Who appears entirely non racist and quite possibly Muslim anyway?
I think your Police anti-racism training has brainwashed you into thinking everyone is a racist. I'm surprised you didn't ban the poster who said "coloured", he blatantly didn't read this weeks memo on which words are now Oldspeak.
What, like this thread made by Matdom? Who appears entirely non racist and quite possibly Muslim anyway?

Wait a minute, Muslims cant be racist?

And wait a minute, the guy who started a thread with an opening paragraph

Think its getting out of control, the law is for Muslins only and is not meant for non Muslims.

you think is actually muslim? The guy who also started a thread about "muslim rape gangs"

We must go deeeper.
Don't think we invaded Poland. India yeah fair enough. Africa. Yeah ok we did but it wasn't this generation and all wars today were thought up by governments. Not the people.

Because of what they have done. People have to sit back and accept what is happening to the country.

Go take a lie down.

Integration doesnt work, its a failed experiment. It has nothing to do with colour, but ideas and culture.

Still all hell will break loose sooner or later, might even see in my generation as well.
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