Census 2011: fewer than half of people living in London are white

4 Jan 2013
Or you should have just stopped feeling sorry for yourself, pulled your thumb out and found other work. Like I said you're not unique - spare me the sob story about a middle class kid who's family doesn't want to support him at university. Your families financial situation is irrelevant - it has a some affect on the amount of loan you receive and that's it.

Blaming your situation on 'coloureds' and other immigrants is lol worthy... you had no one to blame except yourself.

Lol, now its the petty comments. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, we all have to put spade work in to reap the rewards.

And yes, I did find other work after a while. According to you though I should have just upped and left and thought "screw the money, I don't realllly need it".

Also you're deliberately misquoting me now, I did not blame it on "the coloured", I cited unfettered and unskilled immigration as being the problem.

And I think you'll find that families financial situation is indeed most relevant, along with my own........when talking in the context of supporting oneself through university...
29 Jan 2008
I didn't care about that, I was interested in the bit where you said cleaning was a **** job and that people doing degrees shouldn't do **** jobs because it was somehow beneath them.
FWIW I know someone with a degree and he digs holes for the council.
I know another guy with a Phd in Chemistry and he chooses to look after the house. I don't see how it benefits the world to have people like you assigning imaginary status to one job or another, it doesn't matter.

I'm not even sure where you're trying to go with this tbh.. but cleaning bogs at 4am for below minimum wage when you're here legally, are capable of getting into university and know that the job is exploiting you is just dumb.

To then blame immigrants for the situation or to refer to black people as 'coloureds' is even dumber... its usually considered to be a bit racist tbh...

Does your friend who works for the council get below minimum wage and blames immigrants for his situation? If not then its hardly relevant to the situation being discussed.
29 Jan 2008
Lol, now its the petty comments. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, we all have to put spade work in to reap the rewards.

And yes, I did find other work after a while. According to you though I should have just upped and left and thought "screw the money, I don't realllly need it".

According to me you shouldn't have taken the job in the first place... Its not that hard to find part time work as a student without resorting to below minimum wage, at 4am in unsanitary conditions.... My main point is not to deflect blame on immigrants for a situation you put yourself in. The employer is to blame for the illegal exploitation and you're to blame for choosing to work under those conditions.

And I think you'll find that families financial situation is indeed most relevant, along with my own........when talking in the context of supporting oneself through university...

It really isn't you're just one of many students who had to pay their own way. You were 18, you've left home, you've got to pay for stuff... big deal its nothing special.
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Before labour let a massive amount of immigrants into the country their wasn't talk of immigrants or towns and citys being overrun by them.

Tell me, does the expression "Rivers of Blood" mean anything to you? The English have been whinging about immigration for centuries. When the Huguenots fled here the English went on and on (in various pamphlets) about the whole country becoming French and English culture being lost. For those who don't study history, that was back in about 1580. In the Sixties it was endless rubbish about people from the West Indies. To quote someone or other: "There is nothing new under the sun".
9 Jun 2006
I tend to think the problem isn't so much immigration (although there is an arguemtn that this relatively small island is officially now full), it's integration. It's not just a problem for London and obvious targets like Bradfrord.

A primary school is thought to be the first in Britain that does not have one pupil who speaks English as a first language in Peteborough.


What's important is that these children have a chance to integrate with the wider "British" communities and add the flavour of their own (or parents) backgrounds whilst accepting that part of living in a particular country is to embrace it's culture, laws and customs.

The brits living in isolated enclaved on "Costa Del Sol" complete with "del Boys cafe" are a similar example of "unhelpful" immigration.

Irrspective of black, white, european or Asain I do tend to think the UK population needs to be looked at, this is a relatively small Island with limited resources.

Last time I looked UK population was roughly the same as France, despite France being almost three times the size.

29 Aug 2003
Tell me, does the expression "Rivers of Blood" mean anything to you? The English have been whinging about immigration for centuries. When the Huguenots fled here the English went on and on (in various pamphlets) about the whole country becoming French and English culture being lost. For those who don't study history, that was back in about 1580. In the Sixties it was endless rubbish about people from the West Indies. To quote someone or other: "There is nothing new under the sun".

In 1218 England was the first nation to make Jews identifiable by passing law requiring them to wear badges in public.

They started on the Jews long before most other European nations as well, every single one of them was deported in 1290 by Longshanks.

It took over three centuries for them to re-consider the matter only when money mattered and the realisation of what the irrational xenophobia was costing the country in terms of wealth and opportunity during Cromwell's dictatorship.
28 Dec 2009
I don't think we need to kick anyone out the country based on their race. But I think if they removed the indefinite right to remain and asylum and removed birth right of non british children born in the country going forward. While at the same time preventing any people on temporary visa the right to claim benefits or use government services. Except for emergencies. This would help to reduce the wrong kind of immigrants.



7 Jan 2010
There's no national culture or sense of heritage in London, it's been diluted to excess in my opinion. I wouldn't like to raise a family here unfortunately. I see it as a melting pot, and feel my children would not be in an atmosphere with even some of the people that share the same ideas and beliefs as I do - that I want to instil in them.

Sorry if that upsets people, and if you think it's narrow-minded, but frankly, I don't care.

One place you'll never see London is in the world's 10 best cities to live in. It's attractiveness as an international city has been severely diminished in the last 10 years, in my opinion of course.
18 May 2006
I'm not even sure where you're trying to go with this tbh..
Really? So is that why you keep trying to change the subject. Just admit you are a snob and move on.
I'd also like to comment on the thread, so if you wouldn't mind shutting up...?
To then blame immigrants for the situation or to refer to black people as 'coloureds' is even dumber... its usually considered to be a bit racist tbh...
I think you are confusing me with the other poster here? It would help if you quoted, rather than bundling replies to two people into one post.

Does your friend who works for the council get below minimum wage and blames immigrants for his situation? If not then its hardly relevant to the situation being discussed.
Neither are your sanctimonious views about status or what jobs other people choose to do.
But no, he works for the Council because he wants to, I'm sure people like you would look down their noses at him, but then he would probably laugh in your face :)
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29 Jan 2008
Really? So is that why you keep trying to change the subject. Just admit you are a snob and move on.

I'm not changing the subject at all - you chose to insult me on here I'm simply responding. And yes I do have an issue with people calling black people 'coloureds' and trying to blame their personal situation/life choices on immigrants.

I think you are confusing me with the other poster here? It would help if you quoted, rather than bundling replies to two people into one post.

I'm not confusing you with anyone I'm re-iterating why I commented - you've gone off on a tangent and are now talking about your friends working for the council and what you assume my views of them would be etc... The other poster worked for below minimum wage, refereed to black people as 'coloureds' and tried to blame immigrants for his situation. I pointed out that it was a bit of a fail on his part and you now think I'm a snob... choosing not to be exploited has nothing to do with snobbery...

Neither are your sanctimonious views about status or what jobs other people choose to do.
But no, he works for the Council because he wants to, I'm sure people like you would look down their noses at him, but then he would probably laugh in your face :)

Why are you sure of that? Does he work for below minimum wage? Blame immigrants for it and call black people 'coloureds'? If so then yeah I would look down my nose at him. If that's your criteria for being a snob then you've got a slightly warped view of reality.
18 May 2006
I'm not changing the subject at all - you chose to insult me on here I'm simply responding.
I'm not insulting you, I'm pointing out your attitude to the other poster was clearly snobbish. Whether you agree on his viewpoint about immigration or not, it's no excuse for deliberately trying to make him feel small. Yours was in effect a personal attack - stick to the debate please.

And yes I do have an issue with people calling black people 'coloureds' and trying to blame their personal situation/life choices on immigrants.
So what? What the hell does that have to do with me, I did not say that, some other poster may have. Look if you can't quote the people you are talking about could you leave the thread please, I'm fed up of you dropping racist hints into your replies.

I pointed out that it was a bit of a fail on his part and you now think I'm a snob... choosing not to be exploited has nothing to do with snobbery...
Except your derision was very little to do with exploitation and more about what a lowly status you consider cleaning to be. ("cleaning is a **** job" wasn't it?) Does your mother know what you think of her toilet cleaning efforts? She will be proud of her marvellously entitled son.

Why are you sure of that? Does he work for below minimum wage? Blame immigrants for it and call black people 'coloureds'? If so then yeah I would look down my nose at him. If that's your criteria for being a snob then you've got a slightly warped view of reality.
Why do you think everyone doing a manual job must be a racist? Of course he isn't and stop making ridiculous insinuations up. He chooses to do that job because he wants to, not to fit in with your warped status orientated view of what people should be doing. Oh and Strawman...

Anyway I'm bored of you trying to wheedle out of what you said to the other poster, could you drop it or will your awesome higher status insist that you have the last word?



21 Sep 2006

Cool starry brah...


Lolwut, anything better to say? You know it's the truth. It hurts inside you when you see an Asian doing very well in life then a typical white person in today's age.

Admit it, shops, garages, takeaways, restaurant, car washers, buying multiple houses etc... You know us Asian are being successful in life then a standard white person will do in life.

You might not like the idea retiring early but that's what most Asians do and il be deffo doing that once I hit roughly 40.
5 Dec 2006

Lolwut, anything better to say? You know it's the truth. It hurts inside you when you see an Asian doing very well in life then a typical white person in today's age.

Admit it, shops, garages, takeaways, restaurant, car washers, buying multiple houses etc... You know us Asian are being successful in life then a standard white person will do in life.

You might not like the idea retiring early but that's what most Asians do and il be deffo doing that once I hit roughly 40.

17 Dec 2009

Lolwut, anything better to say? You know it's the truth. It hurts inside you when you see an Asian doing very well in life then a typical white person in today's age.

Admit it, shops, garages, takeaways, restaurant, car washers, buying multiple houses etc... You know us Asian are being successful in life then a standard white person will do in life.

You might not like the idea retiring early but that's what most Asians do and il be deffo doing that once I hit roughly 40.

Bling bling.
29 Jan 2008
I'm not insulting you, I'm pointing out your attitude to the other poster was clearly snobbish. Whether you agree on his viewpoint about immigration or not, it's no excuse for deliberately trying to make him feel small. Yours was in effect a personal attack - stick to the debate please.

I am sticking to the debate and it wasn't snobbish (calling someone a snob is a personal attack if anything.) Criticising someone for blaming immigrants for their own failings in taking up a below minimum wage job and allowing themselves to be exploited isn't snobbery and is fairly valid.

And yes I do have an issue with people calling black people 'coloureds' and trying to blame their personal situation/life choices on immigrants.
So what? What the hell does that have to do with me, I did not say that, some other poster may have.

Some other poster did say that! :rolleyes: they guy I criticised and resulting in you calling me a snob...

They could do this, because the polish, russian and coloureds lapped it up because they lived in houses with a huge number of people, and send the meagre money back where it was worth far far more.

My whole point is that he could have explored other options, he's misplacing blame for the situation on immigrants rather than the exploitative employer.... and oh yeah... calling people coloureds isn't really very nice. Its fairly clear from my original post that you originally quoted.

Why do you think everyone doing a manual job must be a racist? Of course he isn't and stop making ridiculous insinuations up. He chooses to do that job because he wants to, not to fit in with your warped status orientated view of what people should be doing.

Where have I said everyone doing a manual job is a racist? We're talking about someone who worked for below minimum wage, called black people 'coloured' and blamed immigrants for his situation. That's the attitude that really stinks around here.

Anyway I'm bored of you trying to wheedle out of what you said to the other poster, could you drop it or will your awesome higher status insist that you have the last word?

Right so you make yet more assumptions then bring my mother into the debate? Then you expect me to not reply....

Blaming immigrants for your own situation, choosing to work below minimum wage and calling people 'coloureds' is just plain dumb. Calling someone a snob because they say that is dumb is frankly ridiculous. To then repeat your snobbery accusations and start going off on a tangent about what you believe someone thinks of your mate who does X, or their views on manual labour or their mother etc.. is rather irrelevant to this thread which is supposed to be about immigration.
21 Apr 2007
You're down grading this thread with your **** comments. Can you **** off now?

I was agreeing with you!!!

Albeit in a very stupid manner, but I sort of just take a jokey stance to these topics now.

My street is infested with ninjas can't be seen posting here.

Edit: What you said about immigrants not integrating spot on, they bring their own culture and set up shop here. If you did that to their countries you'd be stoned to death. Double standards much.

Like wanting to bring in sharia law barbaric and outdated retarded law system, it's like. YOU TROLLING ?
21 Apr 2007
There's no national culture or sense of heritage in London, it's been diluted to excess in my opinion. I wouldn't like to raise a family here unfortunately. I see it as a melting pot, and feel my children would not be in an atmosphere with even some of the people that share the same ideas and beliefs as I do - that I want to instil in them.

Sorry if that upsets people, and if you think it's narrow-minded, but frankly, I don't care.

One place you'll never see London is in the world's 10 best cities to live in. It's attractiveness as an international city has been severely diminished in the last 10 years, in my opinion of course.

Same. It's why I don't wanna live in London, also that and it's just way too crowded now...


Lolwut, anything better to say? You know it's the truth. It hurts inside you when you see an Asian doing very well in life then a typical white person in today's age.

Admit it, shops, garages, takeaways, restaurant, car washers, buying multiple houses etc... You know us Asian are being successful in life then a standard white person will do in life.

You might not like the idea retiring early but that's what most Asians do and il be deffo doing that once I hit roughly 40.

Most asians I see drive taxis? (Not to imply taxi driver is bad thing) You have some weird ideas homie, that's why their home countries are still in the 3rd world. So busy being successful I guess while white people are just busy being wasters and unsuccessful as you put it.
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26 May 2009
So the majority of people in London are non-white, the vast majority of Londoners are still British. I have Black friends whose parents moved here in the 60's and they are just as British and anybody else, I even have brown friends who were not born here who act British and are more of a credit to this country than a lot of council estate chavs...
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