Changing from Canon to Nikon

22 Aug 2010
In My Command Center
Ok big one here, im seriously thinking of changing from Canon to Nikon.

Im stuck between the D7100 or the D600.

I would obviously sell all my Canon gear (not really an issue i know it will cost), my main reasons are that the camera's do seem to offer more.

i would like to hear input or opinions?

many thanks buzz
Didn't you only just get your current setup?

D600 is FF would be my argument :p

Or you know, for the cost, of upgrading and changing over lenses, you could probably upgrade to a 5D3


I know that some will argue that the sensors in Nikons are better, but in the grand scheme of things, what are all these things its offering more of over Canon?

Really isn't much in it to go through the expense of changing brands.
Didn't you only just get your current setup?

D600 is FF would be my argument :p

Or you know, for the cost, of upgrading and changing over lenses, you could probably upgrade to a 5D3


You are right but I am fundamentally unhappy with my 6D, I could upgrade to 5d3 but it would cost me £1300, or sell all my gear and get the D7100 and 18-105 and have enough change to get a good prime and still have change £££

Can can the Nikons do that your Canon can't?


I know that some will argue that the sensors in Nikons are better, but in the grand scheme of things, what are all these things its offering more of over Canon?

Really isn't much in it to go through the expense of changing brands.

As above
You are right but I am fundamentally unhappy with my 6D, I could upgrade to 5d3 but it would cost me £1300, or sell all my gear and get the D7100 and 18-105 and have enough change to get a good prime and still have change £££

But now you've gained a better AF system, and lost FF and all the benefits that come with it....

If you're making the switch I'd at least be switching to a D600.

Whats wrong with the 6D?

Taking bets on the AF :p

I'm with the majority opinion here - it's a pointless move. You have a good FF camera with some great lenses to go with it, so what's fundamentally wrong with the 6D? Remember that a lot of great photographs have been taken - and are still being taken - by much less capable bodies like the 5Dc and 5DII...
You haven't really answered what's stopping you from taking the photos you want on a 6D? If you're unhappy with it, but don't know why, you could probably find yourself unhappy when you've downgraded from FF to DX.
I wouldn't switch for a D600 (same BS AF) and neither would I want to go back to APSC, although in every other regard the D7100 looks a great cam.
If I was in you're position right now I would get a 5d3. If I was really determined to switch brands I wouldn't move for anything less than a D800 D3s D4.

(not directed at op)
Yes we all know it's possible to take a great picture on a Barbie cam, but if the tog has the budget to do so, why hamstring himself with inferior technology.
Whats wrong with the 6D?

I have an issue with the AF, I could do without the wifi, I have never used the GPS, HDR etc, I wish canon invested a little more in the AF like on the 70d, they are clearly capable!

Also, doesnt the d600 have a gimped AF system?

Looking at the d600 AF they have more points closely packed but there is just as much empty space around the AF points on the d600 as there is on the 6d

I wouldn't say it is gimped but it is tech from last decade.

It wouldn't put me off though, I could shoot a wedding just fine with the same AF system on a 5Dii so I have no quams doing it with a 6D.

That's a fair point.

The reason for my frustration is I had used the focus recompose method when taking some portraits and they came out badly an it's annoyed me, I see much better focus system on lesser cameras.
I've got a d600 and the AF is ok, I've never had any problems with the points being closer together, also I've not had any problems with the sensor getting covered in dust or oil, the dynamic range on it is excellent, I've never used an nd grad yet as I can balance exposure in light room with little loss to iq

The d7100 is a decent body too for the price and the specs in some regards are better than the d600 but iq is not as good, although that doesn't mean the iq is in anyway bad
How many times are you going you focus recompose though?

If its a once a year thing and you generally shoot landscapes / general hobbyist stuff then surely it would be easier to not do it and crop to the required composition.
With a 20mp sensor there plenty of scope for cropping unless you are printing for the side of a double decker bus.

I'd say if the pics that irritated you came out badly, learn the lesson, understand the limitation and either avoid doing it again or do it differently.
Don't immediately blame the gear and throw it away, after all the camera is only as good as the person holding it.
I have an issue with the AF, I could do without the wifi, I have never used the GPS, HDR etc, I wish canon invested a little more in the AF like on the 70d, they are clearly capable!

Looking at the d600 AF they have more points closely packed but there is just as much empty space around the AF points on the d600 as there is on the 6d

That's a fair point.

The reason for my frustration is I had used the focus recompose method when taking some portraits and they came out badly an it's annoyed me, I see much better focus system on lesser cameras.

Do without the wifi? Just turn it off... Like the GPS, HDR and all the scene options that nobody ever uses, they're just gimmicks.

As others have said, the D600 isn't that much better than the 6D....

Also, why are you focus recomposing? The outer points on the 6D are still perfectly good enough for shooting to rule of thirds!

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