Changing from Canon to Nikon

From what I can gather (if not shooting with centre AF point) you use the centre focus point to meter.. lock exposure.. select you're AF point and shoot as normal.

Obviously that's more steps than just selecting the AF point and shooting...

That seems very backward:confused:
On my Canon 5D2 I am so used to focus recomposing that I can do it really rather quickly now. As far as metering goes I'm usually riding that lovely big rear dial to quickly adjust the exposure comp, I know my camera well enough to know how much to dial in depending on the situation.
Well this will upset many of you but i chosen to swap, after going to park cameras and having a play iv decided its what i would like to do, as i stated in my op im not happy with it.

I understand going from FF to DX is backwards and i know swapping my kit is backwards but its what will make me happy.

I can sell my gear and buy the D7100, 50mm 1.8, 16-85mm and still have £££ change for anything else.

I have no problem changing and after reading all your comments (which i am very grateful for), reading many reviews, watching many youtube videos (at work :p) iv decided to go with the D7100 and not the D600 as again with the 6D it has far too much white space around the AF points.

Look out in the FS section i will be listing everything there :)
In another thread you wanted a body with good ISO, so the 6D and 5Dii was recommended because you couldn't afford a 5d3. Now the 6D doesn't have the AF system you want, so you decide to change to a body with a decent AF system, but with worse ISO.

Something tells me when you get the D7100, you are going to want to upgrade again because of ISO.

Imo save up, buy what you really want.

I would hold off for a while no matter what, sony may be a good wild card soon.
Presumably if the AF system is giving you issues, its also down to speed and such. In which case I would imagine you must be shooting sports or events, presumably commercially to be so annoyed about it?

Otherwise I don't see how its that big of a deal in a controlled environment.
Logic want to shoot portraits but you're giving up a full frame camera and pro grade lenses for a crop sensor camera with a cheap standard prime and a slow ultra wide lens.

It would make far more sense to learn to use your camera to get the superior results that a 6D with Sigma 35mm would undoubtedly give you. At least maybe swap to the 70D, which as you already mentioned has the better AF and then you could keep your lenses and even get an 85mm 1.8 for portraits.

I look forward to next month when you decide that the Nikon kit won't meet whatever criteria you've decided you need by then.
I have a small secret, on january the 1st 2014 some shares will mature..... i will have anywhere from £7000 - £9000.

If im not happy i will buy something different.
is nikon really that good that it beats canon in almost everything at every price point?

apart from a few scenarios it seems so
please understand im happy with my choice and yes al4x i would rather the £755 D7100 over the £900 70D

i still havent got my 70D, im normally indecisive and at the weekend thought i was going to get it, but i just cant get over the general view of how good the d7100 is
is nikon really that good that it beats canon in almost everything at every price point?

apart from a few scenarios it seems so

I use a friend's D800 and I would say that's not an accurate statement at all. Both have pros and cons but there's no reasonable basing at all to state that one is better than the other in all but some scenarios.

People can read reviews and look at charts until their eyes bleed but when you are out there using them side by side, that's where you can see just how different they are. or in this case, how little difference there is.

Anyway, focus on the images, not the gear.
To a point, if you had the lowest end of Canon or something a couple of generations behind I'd agree but you have a 6D and some great lenses there. If it's a simple case of you preferring the body and layout of the Nikon then that's another matter and is a good reason to switch :p
is nikon really that good that it beats canon in almost everything at every price point?

apart from a few scenarios it seems so

On the camera front they are extremely competitive since around 2007 but it is nothing magical about Nikon really. Sony and Pentax also make fantastic DSLRs with state of the art sensors and often loaded with higher end features.

Also Nikon aims to do more is use high end features in lower end bodies where possible and that is in part due to saving R&D in developing a cheaper more consumer version. Canon also have more of a tendency to artificially limit their lower end bodies, either through firmware or design choices in order to make stronger differentiation. E.g., the canon 5Dmk3 should really have the sensor from the 1DX, the 5Dmk2 need the AF system of the 7D. These differences aren't always big but slowly add up. Nikon is sometimes guilty of this as well but it seems less obvious.

I think one thing that is definitely more noticeable is canon is increasing their price points of cameras and lenses so they are less competitive at the smae price points, e.g, 5Dmk3 is more expensive than the D800 but on paper one would expect it to be a chunk cheaper. All recent canon lenses have had a big jump in prices. Nikons prices went up, but no where near the same amount. This is especially true at the high end, canon supertelephotos are just a ripoff relative to Nikon counterparts at this point in time.
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