Cheap, simple ways to make your house smell nice?

Bake a cake, it'll not only leave a nice smell, it'll make you hungry, you then eat the cake.

I have a open plan living and kitchen area so just open some windows to let out any smells from cooking, I also have a bad case of OCD so will clean often and use all kinds of cleaning products, some which leave a nice smell behind.
In the winter putting oils on the radiator like lavender ect, doesn't work much for me as I am a tight wad and sit under my heated throw.
Charcoal filter in your purifier if you have one (would this work? As I have one)
Chickpea Currys are my downfall
I do not like burning things in the house from a safety point of view. (accidents can happen) So candles and burning things like incense sticks are out.

You don't need a candle to diffuse essential oils, you can get electric ones:

The beauty of these, is the oils last ages as you only use tiny ammounts, and theres millions of different ones to choose from:

And you can buy blends too:
@Baldbloke in a break from the current theme a boring non poo related reply, Reed diffusers always work for me (I do thnk you get what you pay for to some extent) but you can buy cheap replacement reeds and oils. I also have a Neom plug in diffuser, I can recommend their oils they are very nice and last ages. Lastly, people always comment how nice the house smells when I have washing hanging out, my secret there is adding Lenor unstoppables to the wash, well worth it especially if you are doing a bed linen wash.
Do not get married -You will find women farts are worse than men - Cook a nice curry on Friday night and it will last all week.:)
Catch a couple of skunks and keep them as house pets.

No, no, no. Not actually skunks.

But growing skunk will give your home a lovely aroma and with the money you make selling the skunk to local kids, you won't have to worry about posting on here asking for "CHEAP" solutions to your problems. Then set up a meth lab*.

*I've checked with my Freeman on the Land certified legal advisor and according to Magna Carta you are within your rights to do this, so don't take any nonsense from the police if they turn up.
Doesn't Sodium bicarbonate absorb smells?
Just put a 2cm layer of that all over your floors and pretend to be Tony Montana.
Wax melts seem to be a good one - the missus is always burning one.

You can get an electrical burner if you don't want a live flame.
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