Cheddar making with The_blue!

Amazing stuff, as usuall. Going to give cheese making a go soon. Now I'm in a new place. Which cheeses only need a few days to say 3 months to mature?
you can try a soft cheese, maybe a soft goats cheese or something which is ready and mature in a couple of weeks. but a cheddar like in the OP will likely be quite tasty before 3m, but may improve with time. I have a fairly similar recipe for a cheddar-esque cheese that I think is very nice at about 6 weeks of age. its a slightly looser textured with less weight on the pressing
Good work! That's quite a decent looking yield for 4 litres

Homemade press is very cool! I just use stabilising blocks and weights, but could do with something a bit more controlled.

Do you measure pH at all in your make, or rely just on timings?

How are you planning on aging it? Humidity / temperature etc.?

Also, if you haven't already, give Geotrichum Candidum a crack to give it a nice-looking rind. Can either innoculate the milk directly, or spray on later.

I make my own cheese too, and post updates on and

I thought Geo was a while mould.

I've got a pH meter and use that to know when to salt etc..

humidity for the waxed cheeses isn't an issue but keeping the stilton in a container at 90%. Also hoping the container will keep the penicillium roqueforti from spreading to the cams again :D
Yep Geotrichum Candidum gives a nice thin, white edible rind and protective layer. Makes the cheese look really nice!

I've never had much luck with waxed cheeses. I think probably coz I don't have the patience to wait for the cheese to dry properly as waxing is so much fun!

Cross-contamination is a complete pain sometimes! I always end up with at least a little blue in every aged cheese, no matter how much I clean.

I'm currently talking to my local council about getting certified to sell to the public which should be fun! Also looking at ways of automating / monitoring the affinage process, and experimenting with washed rinds.

All good fun!
I've seen geo mixed with pen and used to stop skin slip but never tried it.

to be honest my cams have never been as good as i'd hoped.

I'm down to making singles now as trials. Think temp control has been an issue, new one is at 6c. A little too cold but the best i can get. either that or room temp and trust me, that didn't work!

I think if something took me weeks to make then the months of sitting in the fridge, I would probably want to frame it and put it on the wall and not eat it :(
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