Folks.. what has changed in this race that wasn't the same in MOST races last year?
The old story of Pirellis dropping off a cliff is the same as it was last year...
The DRS story is also the same over the past 24 months...
Not sure whats different this time round, the fact that the softs only lasted for 5 laps? I guess it must be that which probably triggered it.
I think whether its 5 or 15 laps, the critical point for me is that at the moment Formula 1 is not a motorsport but a motoeconomisation.
yeah, 90% of each race was crap last year too, so nothings changed. Every year they don't fix it gets more irritating, hence more people being more irked so at the boredom. When something that you've followed for years gets boring, most people peservere hoping it improves, but every race... it gets that little bit more boring, you get more pee'd off and every time they have a chance to "fix" it, and don't, well.... thats why more people are irked over how stupid its become than last year, and a few more people will stop bothering watching next year. Those left over will be more bored next year and another group of people who were hanging on to see if it got interesting again.... will give up.
ULtimately I don't know why they get so happy about winning a really quite boring race, "wooo, our car handles its tyres better, but for the past two hours I've been on a lesuirely country drive... woohoo".
When the drivers go around at 95-100% of what the drivers and the cars are capable of, you get mistakes, mistakes = overtakes, mistakes = interest, mistakes mean rather than one guy following the other around for two hours(without DRS) you get overtaking, and actual driving, and actual racing.
Do you know why ALonso, Hamilton, Vettel and Button look so smooth in the car, so does everyone else back pretty much to the Caterams, because no one is going remotely close to the car limits.
Its the equivalent of putting Man Utd in League 2 and watching them cruise to the title without ever coming out of second gear, boring, dull and ridiculously easy.
Its the pressure, the competition and the mistakes, coping with the mistakes, and taking advantage of your opponents that generally makes a sport. Outside of failures, the top 5 guys barely put a foot wrong in the past 3 years, its boring as hell. The only guys who are, are rookies, dumbass's and those who have suffered brain injuries(Maldonado, Grosjean, Massa, etc).