At the moment I want to be able to build roads easier (i am struggling to make perfectly circular roundabouts) and is there a way of getting rid of the haze when you zoom out?
essential mods that i have:
TM: PE v11 stable
service radius adjuster
mini fps booster
fine road anarchy 2
extra landscaping tools
zoom it!
roundabout builder
fine road tools 2.0.3
more effective transfer manager
employ overeducated workers v2 (1.11+)
zoning toolset (toggle + upgrade tool)
network extensions 2
purchase it!
bulldoze it!
elektrix's road tools 2.0
smart intersection builder
fill the houses
advanced stop selection (ex mtse)
achieve it!
move it
prop precision
prop snapping
spawn points fix
show it!
no radioactive desert and more!
clouds and fog toggler
no seagulls
actually underground power cables
quay anarchy
citizen lifecycle rebalance v2.6
realistic population and consumption mode v8.4.0
sub-buildings tabs
nopillars ( v1.1+ compatible )
improved public transport 2
precision engineering
tons more - but these are the core mods that i think transform the game for the better