Cities: Skylines

these are the core mods i use:
bold = what i consider to be essential
bold + underlined = very useful for large cities (>500k pop)

precision engineering
improved public transport 2
sub-buildings tabs
tmPE stable
lifecycle rebalanced revisited
rebalanced industries
roundabout builder
more network stuff
fine road anarchy
fine road tool
optimised outside connections
employ overeducated workers

watch it!
purchase it!
bulldoze it!
achieve it!
show it!
move it
hide it!
undo it!
smart intersection builder
fill the houses

advanced stop selection
spawn points fix
quay anarchy
more effective transfer manager
more pathunits
more citizenunits
more vehicles

realistic population 2
zoning adjuster
loading screen mod

cross the line
commuter destination
unified ui
network multitool
building spawn points
node controller renewal

intersection marking tool
automatic pedestrian bridge builder v2.0
Do the mods to increase limits on the units really work? I used to eventually get to a point where buildings stopped spewing vehicles so no rubbish was collected and dead bodies were never collected.
I might actually start a city rather than just adding mods
lol :cry:

Do the mods to increase limits on the units really work? I used to eventually get to a point where buildings stopped spewing vehicles so no rubbish was collected and dead bodies were never collected.
it does for me, what was more apparent is that passenger trains/ferries/planes were spawning with zero passengers like literally hundreds of them and clogging their respective networks up
I played recently, so far I have installed on Steam. A very good game, but once the traffic is under control, each map is quite simple. Is it possible to download additional maps from somewhere?

Yep. Thousands of them!
In Skylines' Steam page, click the Workshop tab...

If nothing there takes your fancy, making your own is quite fun.
Can anyone recommend some challenge scenarios? Where the map presents a challenge or something. For instance I did the one where the map floods are 30 minutes and you need to have unlocked and built a road to a raised island for your town to survive.
Heads up there's currently a Cities Skylines humble bundle going on for another 15 days or so.


I'll probably take the opportunity to get all the expansions just for completeness.
So this humble bundle... you pay whatever you want?

You have to pay the minimum amount, on the right hand side of the bundle, to get the minimum items, you can pay what you want, just make sure the £ you are paying is sufficient to get the items you need, I think :)
Sorry yes, should have clarified it's not a 'pay what you want' bundle, more an 'if you want to pay more' bundle. Depending on what you already have the minimum price may or may not be worth it.
I'm quite excited about this dlc. You can already make car free areas by just having an island of resi and office not connected to your wider road network. It needs its own emergency services and garbage collection but otherwise you can pretty much ban cars through various policies. There needs to be good footpath and cyclepath access to commercial land uses though.
Bought Cities Skylines this afternoon, watched a few videos on YouTube, I think this is going to be a massive learning curve for me... Never played games like this before but really fancy giving it a go.. Any tips for a noob?
Bought Cities Skylines this afternoon, watched a few videos on YouTube, I think this is going to be a massive learning curve for me... Never played games like this before but really fancy giving it a go.. Any tips for a noob?
City planner plays. He does tutorials and play through etc. Very good. With him being a city planner he explains why, when, what on everything he does.
Yeah. I watch cityplannerplays. His cities are very nice, esp the Clearwater county series.
Biffa plays is another channel I watch, his traffic fixes are decent on the whole... occasionally some odd choices here and there but good for a beginner
Two dollars is good, he also does some vanilla series.

Find it took my enjoyment away watching YouTube channels though, the level of detailing is extreme.
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