Chrome + Hola. Chrome auto translates the page. It's almost as easy as buying from GMG.
Too much hard work for some i guess.
Never knew Chrome auto-translated. Its also perhaps worth pointing out that perhaps not everyone has Chrome installed, and wants to start installing stuff to simply buy a cheap game slightly cheaper.
I have IE (uggh), Firefox & Opera installed, ive not bothered with Chrome for quite a while now because the CSS issues i use Opera & IE for are nice and predictable in Chrome. Assuming everyone has the same software installed as you is stupid, as is expecting them to want to install it to achieve something they could do without hassle through a local site.
Also, as ive said repeatedly, the community manager of Paradox has said that its not technically legal to buy from Nuuvem. So their slip-up let plenty of us buy it, until they put their wall up. Circumventing it is all you, you're promoting that activity (FTR, i couldnt give a hoot, but facts are facts).
Also, as Josh says, "Not so much hard work, just a lot of faff for a not especially hugely amazing saving imo."
If it was £40 and £35 via Nuuvem, and i thought the ideal price point was £30, then i'd say screw everything i'll go with the £35. But when its £16 vs £12, for something worth £25-30... ive no issue paying more, but i'll attempt the cheaper route still.