Civilization VI

I'm in need of a game to entertain me, is this worth getting? How does it compare to the other civs?

It's a good game and I'd recommend it, but right now probably only for Civ fans or fans of 4X games in general. In comparison to Civ 5 which I'd rate as 9.5/10 this would get a solid 8. The groundwork is there and it's more feature rich than Civ 5 was at launch, but it's missing content and there are balancing and AI issues that are too annoying to dismiss as quirks. If you don't have Civ 5 I'd personally say get that instead as it's 92% off in the Steam sales for the "Complete" edition.
Still playing here, I do enjoy it and although it's not as good as 5 at the moment in terms of content and gameplay I'm still playing it more than 5 for all those lovely quality of life enhancements. It's worth picking up for £20, but I'm hoping another expansion "fixes" it and I really hope they do something with loading times as they are crazy long past turn 150. I was at a LAN recently and played it there and turn 150 - 180 took as long as 1 - 150 mostly due to loading between turns.

It's an 8/10 game right now.

Wouldn't bother with any DLC unless they are at least 60% off as they are overpriced and don't offer anywhere near enough. Australia are a really nice powerful civilization though and I've been enjoying playing as them.
Indonesia looks a lot of fun, looking forward to playing them :) Not sure on Khmer, they seem OK but might take too long to get going.
I would also double check your "Additional Content" when in-game as the Indonesia and Khmer pack was disabled by default for me. Weirdly I also had a couple of other DLC that had disabled itself with the new patch - like Aztec and Poland.
You need to keep up relations with Civ's to not get denounced. Send delegations, open your borders, give them a gift, join an alliance, establish an embassy, etc. Positive influences in their "health" screen has to be greater than negative, or they will just end up denouncing and hating you.

Expansion announced!

Civilization VI: Rise and Fall

Release date is the 8th February 2018

Here's a rundown of some of the new features:

Great Ages: Like Golden Ages from Civilization V but there'll also be Dark Ages and Heroic Ages. It works by a new "Era" resource. You build it by completing feats during the game (such as founding a religion). Once you get enough Era you'll trigger a Golden Age. If you fall behind the curve too much, you'll trigger a Dark Age. Heroic Ages come from Dark Ages, and are triggered once you pull your civilization out of a Dark Age. They all bring their own pro's and con's, including Dark Ages.

Dedication: This ties in with Era's and once you reach a new Era you'll automatically trigger a dedication. From the sounds of the benefits of it it'll be a boost to your civilization and will help you specialise a bit more in the type of victory condition you're trying to trigger; such as you could pick militaristic dedications for extra movement speed of units, or more combat power.

Governors: A new type of unit (but it's not actually a unit on the map) that will attach to cities, and are similar to spies in how they work. They are boosted through civics and each governor has a specific type such as militaristic, scientific, economical, etc. The developer gave examples in that one of the governors, when fully levelled, can buy districts with gold immediately and another can add extra charges to builders.

Emergencies: Sort of like World Congress and International Project's combined, but not quite either of each. Emergencies are triggered by major events in the game and can happen to any player. An example that was given was that if a religious war caused one holy city to come under threat from another religion. It'd trigger a mission where multiple players can form up in favour or in opposition to the emergency. If you're successful, and everyone who is sided with you, then you'll gain game-long benefits to your civilization. If you fail, then other side gets the benefits.

Enhanced Alliances: There are changes to alliances coming where you can specifically choose alliances to match what victory condition you want, or if you want something specific from that civilization. As an example, you can scientific alliances where you and your ally will receive bonus science and tech boosts. You can also sign military alliances which are like how they work now but with some extra benefits. There are alliances for most types of VC's.

Loyalty: Every city will have a loyalty rating. You must micromanage a loyalty of a city individually and they are affected by things like what resources and amenities they have, the war status they are in, the Era you're in and is affected by their neighbours. If you forward settle another civilization for instance they could drastically reduce the loyalty of that city if you choose a bad spot, the other civilization is in a higher era than you, or you're using it as a staging post for a war. When the loyalty reaches zero it doesn't flip to the other civilization but instead becomes a "Free City".

Free Cities: They are cities that have had their loyalty reduced to zero and used to belong to another civilization. Instead of immediately flipping like they do with culture they become a "lite" version of a City State with their own military and will defend themselves, but offer no quests. You can take control of them by going to war with them or exerting Loyalty pressure on them where they will eventually become part of your empire automatically (and peacefully).
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Not sure if it's a bug or something not working correctly but just played a game as Persia and the Immortal wouldn't melee, despite still being tagged as a melee unit and having the melee unit promotion tree. Annoyingly, it meant I couldn't take cities with it and it ended up being an expensive (and very slight) upgrade to the Archer.

Yeah, it's a weird unit. Any melee class unit in the game with a ranged attack can't capture a city as that counts as a melee attack. They would be too powerful otherwise as you could attack cities with no drawback and then just take it (since ranged attacks vs. cities don't cause back lash damage).
Really enjoying the new expansion with the new features. Still trying the new leaders out and have only completed two games so far, one as Kupe which didn't go great as it took me ages to get a decent first city (bad idea probably using a fractal map) and didn't want to keep restarting. Second game was with Eleanor (on France) who I didn't think was going to be that good but she seems insane on a culture game. Going to have another game with her :)
Apparently there's a bug that causes districts that get pillaged to not get their bonuses back once they are repaired. Might want to consider disabling natural disasters for now, as they will cause pillage affects on districts. Hopefully they'll patch it soon, or at least a mod comes out to fix the issue.
The biggest problem with the last couple of games in the series has been AI they seem more interested in eye candy and music not game play.

Yeah, AI needs a lot of work. I don't think it'll be sorted in Civ 6 but I hope they really look at it for Civ 7. It's the way they handle difficulty level increases that causes most of the issues, as their AI is not bad on some difficulties, but for higher difficulties they just give extra stuff/cheats to the computer, and lower difficulties they forget their objectives too much and are too passive. It skews their priorities and everything gets messed up - pretty much why domination victories take over at Immortal/Deity, and Civ tier rankings all are domination based for the most part. It also causes your first 50-100 moves to be nearly identical as you're playing catch up.

Civ 6 is still a really good game at this point though; especially with the latest expansion.
Maya look fantastic, especially for early rushing. They seem to have a bit of everything but I'm not sure on their late game feasibility. Will be interesting to play though!
Lots of people are complaining that they are getting a "Disk Write Error" when trying to play the update. I managed to get around this by re-installing the game. This isn't exactly a great way to fix this, and I know this won't be an option for some, but if you get the same problem it might be worth looking at that option.
Had a few games with Maya (restarted the first couple to get used to it), it's really weird without the bonus housing. I'm constantly running into housing issues without rushing a builder straight away to get some farms up and running, and one game I had next to no farm land which killed my population growth. Their UU is brilliant though; very strong. The UB is awesome too as most of the time I could pump out an observatory in about 4-5 turns. Trying to get the placement right can be problematic, but if you can get some mountains, plantations, and city centre bonus you're racking up 10 science per turn just from a basic observatory with no library.
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