Clarkson get's some free poo

Tresspassing isn't a criminal offence.
It is a tort, you can therefore, sue the protestor. Police cannot arrest you for tresspassing. The can occasionally move you along, if there is sufficient grounds for it.

Murder however is a criminal offence.

Trespassing IS a criminal offense you fool.

But murder is ok right? Because like, we live in a free country and stuff. I mean, you just said that we can do what we want because we live in a free country?

Wow, in 2 years here I actually think I might be coming up to my second person on the ignore list in just 2 weeks :o
These protesters should be sent to court, and sentenced to community service, they can then re-bag said poo and take it back with them where they will probably use it as a centre piece in their caravans.
All this hippy **** winds me up too. You don't have to be a hippy to care about the environment.

Yes, these people are idiots for dumping crap on Clarkson's drive - but it got them heard. I doubt writing to their local MP or to the BBC would have done so.
All this hippy **** winds me up too. You don't have to be a hippy to care about the environment.

Yes, these people are idiots for dumping crap on Clarkson's drive - but it got them heard. I doubt writing to their local MP or to the BBC would have done so.

And both are equally as effective. I'm sure Clarksons learned his lesson now, sold up his gas guzzling cars and bought a G-Wiz.

Time spent doing this crap could have been spent...helping those less fortunate...or learning...or getting a job.
Trespassing IS a criminal offense you fool.

Actually it is both (criminial and civil with varying forms) with the balance more towards being a civil rather than criminal offence.

Certain forms of tresspass are a criminal offence but the most common form and the one used in this context is a civil matter (being on someone eles private land).

Now I know this isn't speakers corner and that Googling something is such an effort, but, if you are going to resort to calling someone a fool at least make sure you are correct and have actually done some research on the subject in question.


(The last link may crash)
So I can come chill in your garden all day and you can't do anything? GREAT!

And yes I did Google it and I read it as being a legal matter because I was aware of it being quite a grey area?

He's still a fool though.
It's not destruction of property or vandlism is it? It's an inconvinience, a shovel and a brush and the driveway is like new again.
Burning someones house down is different, thats arson, not protest. It's destruction of property.

Yes it is. Yes it's that too. No not only that, your forget that it also costs time, and time=money is this world... Cleaning the poo costs money and time, leaving it lowers the value of your house: destruction of property...

Tresspassing isn't a criminal offence.
Yes it is, shame you can't shoot trespassers like in many states of the US.
"Clarkson was not there but we left several steaming piles of manure and a message saying 'this is what you're landing us in'
The seven campaigners, dressed as suffragettes, arrived at the automatically opening wrought iron gates of Clarkson's Cotswold mansion outside Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, in a van fuelled by chip-fat oil. No one answered the door, but the police were called.

Clarkson puts himself in the spotlight and I'm sure can handle the attention - but it seems like all they managed to do is terrorise his family - nice one!

"I think it is very selfish of him not to take responsibility for climate emissions," said Millie Forest, 19, one of the seven women who are touring the country celebrating people who reduce emissions but targeting others who they say promote high carbon lifestyles.

That sounds like a lot of fun - good old road trip - oh but it's all okay because they burn chip fat.

Except of course we can't all do that because there isn't enough chip fat, only important 'green protesters' get to use the chip fat, the rest of us can stay at home.
Trespassing IS a criminal offense you fool.

No, tresspass is not a criminal offence. It is a civil offence - it becomes criminal only when a court order has been granted and is subsequently broken.

To avoid making yourself look like a prat, make sure you know what you are talking about before insulting others :)
Jebus mary what did I start - no Global warming doesn't exist, Climate Change exists, but how it's made out and the effect we have on it cannot be known and with the figures I've seen, I don't see the justification for taxation through the nose for no real apparent benefit. Although I will agree reduced pollution is good - who'd argue otherwise? :)
Jebus mary what did I start - no Global warming doesn't exist, Climate Change exists, but how it's made out and the effect we have on it cannot be known and with the figures I've seen, I don't see the justification for taxation through the nose for no real apparent benefit. Although I will agree reduced pollution is good - who'd argue otherwise? :)

Agreed with the first part, any scientist claiming to understand the climate is selling snake oil.

But we're notr reducing pollution - we are reducing CO2, not the same thing at all - in fact some things we stopped doing years ago because of the nasty chemicals released are coming back because they release less CO2 than what replaced them.

And all the time the greenies are still telling us we can't use nuclear because it's polluting - I give up I really do.

The government should stick two fingers up at them all and commision 100 huge nuclear stations tomorrow. Enough leccy for all our needs, some to sell abroad, and still some to dabble in hydrogen / battery transport.

so long as they structure the deals accordingly private finance will queue up to invest - there are precious few long term bankable investments these days.
What particularly annoys me is our obsession with diesel as the savour of the planet. Everything is diesel because its lower CO2 and thus lower tax.

Yet in some parts of the world the use of diesel for, say, buses is BANNED because of the poisonous chemicals emitted as part of diesel fuel. Thats right - banned.

But we are obsessed instead with CO2..
:confused::confused: it's part of the carbon cycle.. CO2 goes into trees and makes them grow big and strong (;)), then either the trees die and decompose, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere where new trees use it to grow big and strong, or the trees are cut down and burned, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere where new trees use it grow big and strong.

The problem comes when trees are cut down but not replanted. There's really nothing wrong with sustainable deforestation, when new trees are planted in place of the ones cut down.

the problem is deforestation is getting rid of one of the big carbon sinks... Water being the other one, which as i think it was Nath pointed out, more water = bigger sink.

Not picking on you, but this is it. People don't have a clue what their talking about and only scientists who have shown strong evidence, which has been cited by others, should be really listened to.

problem is, scientists without govenment backing generally say GW is just a natural cycle. This planet has gone through many of these cycles, and is about to rise again, why do we always blame ourselfs for everything? Did we cause all the other rises and falls dating back millions of years? I think not.
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[TW]Fox;14914764 said:
No, tresspass is not a criminal offence. It is a civil offence - it becomes criminal only when a court order has been granted and is subsequently broken.

To avoid making yourself look like a prat, make sure you know what you are talking about before insulting others :)
I did read up on it but it would appear i misread it. I already admitted my mistake but it would appear this thread has been cleaned up (or my phones buggered).
:confused::confused: it's part of the carbon cycle.. CO2 goes into trees and makes them grow big and strong (;)), then either the trees die and decompose, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere where new trees use it to grow big and strong, or the trees are cut down and burned, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere where new trees use it grow big and strong.

The problem comes when trees are cut down but not replanted. There's really nothing wrong with sustainable deforestation, when new trees are planted in place of the ones cut down.
the problem is deforestation is getting rid of one of the big carbon sinks...

That's what I said.. right? :confused:
thats what i said but you replied with :confused::confused: so i went over it again?

Ah, I :confused::confused: because you said cutting down trees was ruining the carbon cycle, which I took exception to because trees dying is a normal part of the cycle. But I see what you were getting at now. :)
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