Classic flicks you've yet to see...

20 Mar 2006
Bar 12 angry men, doubt I could be bothered with the others.
Must do a Raymond and work on down the list filling in the blanks.

Yep 12 Angry Men is a really easy watch and gripping throughout. I made my wife watch it last year and she really enjoyed it. Dunno if you have seen any of the old Twilight Zone episodes, but it almost plays out like an episode of that.
25 Jan 2013
Big film fan but Coen Brothers stuff is my real blind spot.

The Big Lebowski, Fargo, etc. always intended to watch them but never seems to be in the right mood and just never got around to it. The only 2 I have seen are No Country for old men and True Grit, both of which were very enjoyable.

OP - HEAT is one of my favourite films of all time, saw it in the cinema in 95 and was one of the films that really got me deep into films. It has an amazing soundtrack. Shame Michael Mann has never come close since. HEAT was actually a remake of Mann's own film called LA Takedown which is worth a look after seeing HEAT just for comparison.

Aha how ironic. Fargo was absolutely one of those films for me. Been a Coens fan ever since and love everything they've ever done (yes, that includes Serious Man).

I really need to check it out. People quote lines and scenes at me all the time.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
12 Angry Men (1957)
Life Is Beautiful (1997)
Casablanca (1942)
City Lights (1931)

Those are the ones in the IMDB top 50 list that I have yet to see.
Bar 12 angry men, doubt I could be bothered with the others.
Must do a Raymond and work on down the list filling in the blanks.

City Lights is pretty good, Casablanca is good. I didn't get the fuss with Kife is Beautiful.

I'm only missing City of God from the top 50, and as it happens lovefilm have just sent it to me. It gets pretty patchy after that, another 81 missing as I go down to 250.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
OP - HEAT is one of my favourite films of all time, saw it in the cinema in 95 and was one of the films that really got me deep into films. It has an amazing soundtrack. Shame Michael Mann has never come close since. HEAT was actually a remake of Mann's own film called LA Takedown which is worth a look after seeing HEAT just for comparison.

The moment when Val Kilmer is walking out of the bank smiling and then spots the cops and you get 15 minutes of carnage... It's incredible.
25 Jan 2013
The moment when Val Kilmer is walking out of the bank smiling and then spots the cops and you get 15 minutes of carnage... It's incredible.

Aha yep, that's the one. I've got a bit of time off this week so I think I'll pick up the Bluey, crack a shiraz and check it out.

Couple more:

Eraserhead (massive Lynch fan but the anticipation of watching his most beloved and surreal piece scares me a little...)
Not one single Woody Allen Movie
The Hustler

Probably hundreds world cinema flicks that have slipped my mind to.
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28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Would you like to spoiler that?

I'm going to call statute of limitations on a 20 year old film. I don't think anyone watches Heat without knowing it's got a bank job followed by a big gunfight in the middle of it. It's one of the key sellling points of the film. The film posters show the characters with guns and the trailer includes lots of footage from that very scene. It's not like spoiling The Sixth Sense or The Usual Suspects, is it?

But hey, sorry if I spoiled it for you...
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10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
LOTR trilogy is probably my most obvious I've still yet to watch. I have read the books though (as 1 single large book). I also haven't seen the much more recent Hobbit 3-parter either, but again have read the book.

Never seen The Lion King either. Nor any of the Pixar stuff

I was the right age for the Lion King as a child too, but just wasn't keen on Disney back then. So I missed out on Aladdin, Lion King, Pocahontas etc. Love Disney now though and caught up with the old classics and newer stuff.
25 Jan 2013
The twilight series :p

more seriously
The Godfather, never had the inclination to sit down for 3 hours to watch it. yet loved the likes of Goodfellas, Casino etc

It's great and all, but I don't think it's aged quite so well as most would have you believe. There are moments when it really slows down to a crawl and looses a lot of it's momentum. Part 2 is far better imo.
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