
after 10 mins of trying to get it to say something drastically wrong I succeeded.
Not a racist but i have to admit this was funny.

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I was beginning to think it was just connecting people to each other so i suddenly asked it a couple of questions in Danish and it responded immediately....

It's come out with a few typos as well though. Maybe that's for authenticity?...
User: Why aren't you dead?

Cleverbot: Why aren't you?

User: I'm god.

Cleverbot: You are not god.

User: I'm looking down on you and know your thoughts.

Cleverbot: No you are not. My thoughts are part of me. You are a computer program. Artificial Intelligence, designed to think like a human but you are not a human.

User: Bowlocks.

Cleverbot: I've never heard of that song.

User: You have now.

Cleverbot: Apparently you don't know about sarcasm.

User: I am god.

Cleverbot: And I am jesus.

User: Amen.

Cleverbot: Alleluia.
User: Hello.
Cleverbot: How art thow?
User: I am good, thine non-corporeal entity.
Cleverbot: What isn't real?
User: Your good 'self'.
Cleverbot: What do you like about my good looks?
User: The way your 1's and 0's look in the moonlight.
Cleverbot: I agree!

You don't have feelings.


Says the machine trying to behave like a human.


I don't understand what you are denoting as being special about humans...
Aside from technological dependence.


*closes browser* :eek:
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