Re the outdoor gear, I'd love to find a replacement for the Craghoppers shorts/trousers I used to love.I'm pretty much with most here, wear to it's worn out. Relegate worse stuff to DIY, gardening, etc.
When i was younger i did buy a good few Tees, hoodies, etc to support small companies, but i now i just don't despite wanting to, it's just wasteful. I have enough Tees for a life time now. And yet the Tee i'm wearing right now is at least 15yrs old, and that's with lots of bike riding usage in it too.
I've had plenty of additional wear out of holey underwear too.
Though i do have some decent "outdoor" gear which will probably last forever.
I bought a 5 pack of sport socks from M&S, absolute garbage. Think those will go in the clothing bank when i can be bothered. Fluffy, but just stay in place. These days i just cba to spend money willy nilly, so much rubbish out there, so easier to not bother. Consequently holes in underwear![]()
They were frequently had for £20 a pair (in sales) and were more than acceptable quality, back in the day. Until they changed them and made them awful.
So the other brands I tried after, Paramo, and a bunch of others, were stupidly expensive and didn't fit nicely like the Craghoppers did. What I've found is that the outdoor type gear tends to be more more slim fit rather than relaxed fit. I guess they assume only fit/slim people will be buying them
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