Clothes - how old is too old?

I tend to buy and wear pretty plain clothing and it's kept until they're pretty worn. Once they hit the EOL they get chopped up to be cleaning rags.
If I see clothes that I like the look of then i'll buy. I do like freshening up my wardrobe frequently though. Saying that, I do have t-shirts that are a good few years old and still in decent condition
When stuff wears it goes towards the trashy pile for DIY or lounging about in. If it's too bad then its gone.

This where I’m at, I’ve got t shirts from over 8 years ago that I use for stuff like gardening and cooking and stuff, then i have some others for lounging around in and then I have the good tops and t shirts I keep in my wardrobe to wear for actually going out in, helps keep them on top condition for longer.
My go to outfit always, is Black top/jumper and jeans, so its pretty easy, I will get better brands than cheap tat and just wear them til they spoil, loose their shape.

I definitely think this throwaway fashion is a bad thing, and there is too much pressure on everyone having a constantly updated wardrobe. Its simply not needed. I think as long as you look/smell clean, and are smart and tidy you`re golden!

*Disclaimer(I probably wouldnt class high fashion of the 80`s 90`s, grungey, shellsuits etc as ok attire no matter how clean and tidy you might look. :D)
I try and follow the principle of ‘fashion is temporary, style is permanent’ and have a few rules like not impulse buying things that look nice on their own but aren’t that versatile when it comes to pairing with the rest of my wardrobe. Buying tends to either be to fill a gap in my wardrobe/have a need for something I didn’t previously or just to replace something that’s given up the ghost.

I buy good quality basics and staples - which doesn’t always mean expensive - look after them as far as washing and cleaning them, properly and wear them until either they fall apart or bobble too much, get damaged accidentally or in my journey to get more jacked they no longer fit properly.

Can’t stand fast-fashion, buying according to trends or just buy-cheap, buy-twice/thrice etc.
I buy new clothes maybe once a year, but that's only 1 or 2 items, say 2 t-shirts. My clothes average at least 10 years before they get thrown out due to wear and tear. I have a t-shirt that is at least 20 years old! (It belonged to my cousin and got it when I was around 10; it has of course evidence of wear and tear, but wear it in the house only as it's so comfy still). So essentially I only buy to replace items that will get thrown out.

Very rarely have I bought something that I just HAD to have.

Shoes similarly keep them as long as I can. I bought 2 pairs this year to replace 2 pairs whose soles were non-existent. My everyday walking shoes that I had for roughly 3 years, and some more 'stylish' semi-leather trainers that I had for 5 years.

My overall approach is buy good brands that last for longer.
I still wear festival/concert t-shirts that are 10+ years old and virtually worn through because they're comfy. I usually replace things like t-shirts/jeans etc about every 3-5 years, mostly because it feels like most modern clothing just doesn't last as long i.e. a "heavy" Fruit of the Loom t-shirt from the 90's felt thicker than one from today, so the 90's one lasted longer.

Maybe I just hate clothes buying :D
I think the last time I went clothes shopping was several years ago, when I got a management job so needed a few extra shirts. Other than that, I pretty much rely on birthdays and christmas for new stuff. Odd because I don't actually mind shopping, I just usually have better things to do.
Shoes, I buy a pair of shoes for work once a year. Trainers, as and when my favourite brand (Skechers) have a sale on and got something in my size.

Find shoe shopping a nightmare as being a size 8.5, flat and wide feet - struggle to find shoes that fit and are comfortable. Many shoes have arch supports which go over many feet. For me, it feels like having a stone in them. Then I find a pair of shoes, feel great but could do with them in 9. Look and 8 is the biggest they do.
My wife keeps pestering me to buy new clothes but I can't be bothered to go out or even look on line to order some. Hell, it was only a few years back I chucked out 2 bathroom towels I used since I was 7 years old. They were white and pink, went with the decor of my Grans bathroom, a few holes here and there so they were at least 40 years old, BUT they dried you pretty damn quick. So yeah, clothes? pretty much when they are unwearable.
Dude, it's foxeye... come on

I went to the shops and t shirt was 33% more expensive than last year. I can't believe they are scalping t shirts. I refused to buy it on principle. My high morals don't allow me to buy scalped products and anything that makes a profit is scalping. I'll just wear the t shirt I have on me until I die.

/Foxeye off
I on my feet most of the time. Plus the way I walk, my right shoe wears out quicker on the heel.

Then why not swap your shoes over on a weekly basis? One week you have the left on the left and right on the right, then the next week you reverse them. That way you should get a uniform wear pattern.
When its very very cold outside, I wear a very baggy The Sweater Shop prototype jumper, which must be 28 years old. I say prototype as I lived a few miles from the factory that manufactured the jumpers and they did have factory sales. Some designs never go past the prototype for selling in the shops. The seconds included small holes in the items of clothing.
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