Yes i can do that for you.
First thing i did was messure and source some 3mm Acrylic, there are all sorts of colours and types you can get, including a very smart mirror finish which turns clear when you put lights on behind it

First thing you have to do is remove the 8 plastic clips that hold the vented panel in place. They are simply removed by pushing from the back with a small screwdriver, put to one side and save for later or you could replace with some small anodized cap head bolts and nuts.
Important. make sure you leave all the protective film on the acrylic sheet until you have finished cutting and drilling.
The next job is to cut the new Acrylic to size and drill the new holes in it for the fittings. The holes are 3mm.
How i cut it to size.
I used the vented side panel as the template and clamped the new Acrylic sheet to the original side panel, making sure you get no movement (VERY IMPORTANT). G clamps or snap clamps are good for this making sure you put somthing on the feet of the clamp to protect the face of the Acrylic. I used tile fixing pads.
Next this is where my dremel came in using a side cutter and not the cutting disk as that just melts and burns the Acrylic. With a steady hand gently cut around the side panel then whilst the two are still clamped together drill the new holes for the fixings to be replaced. If you are not confident with this job, then there are places that will cut it for you for a few £.
Next either take the two parts of the plastic clips apart and put the bottom part into the new window and put against the side panel and replace the inner part of the clips into the holes or use the cap head nuts and bolts.
That should be job done