CM 690 First time water cool

There is another way of doing it as well and that is to get a stanly knife and cut just the tops off the plastic clips leaving just the thickness of the side panel, super glu them into the holes to cover them and then use double sided tape to secure the window in place.
Cheats way but has same affect :)
the acrylic sheet i bought is the perfect size anyway so what i might do is this:

1) pop off the clips
2) use the old acrylic as a template for the holes on the new acrylic
3) dill the holes in the new acrylic
4) put it back onto the panel with the 8 clips

job done

if i get time to go it, ill email you a picture :)
Good luck with that. If you need any help with the bits and bobs just stick a post on the WC section and the guys on here will help.
Also check this thread.
it helped me.

I have been looking to do it for ages and have been trying to figure out the best way to do it in my antec 1200 I then decided the best way would be to get a new case lol.

I have a few bits and no case now o well all will come together in time. I'll probs post a log as well so ppl can give me some pointers.
the acrylic sheet i bought is the perfect size anyway so what i might do is this:

1) pop off the clips
2) use the old acrylic as a template for the holes on the new acrylic
3) dill the holes in the new acrylic
4) put it back onto the panel with the 8 clips

job done

if i get time to go it, ill email you a picture :)

A pic would be good ;) Hope all fits well for you and again, glad i could help.
A little update. Just re routed some of the tubing and had a bit of a tidy.






Think it looks neater without the tube across the front ;)
That looks really clean now.

I hope your impressed with your first go and i bet you have got the bug now lol.

I am happy with it now and yes i have got the bug now. Allready got the case for my next project. A Coolermaster ATCS 840 :D
Mate, That is a beauty - if it was for sale man I would pay thousands if i was a rich man that is : ) but good work! I can see it paid of in the end.
Mate, That is a beauty - if it was for sale man I would pay thousands if i was a rich man that is : ) but good work! I can see it paid of in the end.

For the right price it would be for sale :) thanks for that Hanuki
Thanks for the comments guys.
Next thing i have for my build is a Eyefinity setup. Just ordered 3 21.5in monitors, pics to follow when they arrive.
More goodies :D
First up DVI connectors mini dp to dp and Active DP to DVI Adaptor



Next up, 3 lots of high def 21.5'' goodness.



Arranged the monitors and connected yet more cables under my desk.




All set up in CCC and working Eyefinity goodnes.



First game i have tried so far is Shift Need For Speed and all runs well :)
The ultimate test, 4 nephews later and a couple of solid hours gaming with Shift Need for speed and running in eyefinity, here are the temps that my WC system ran up to.

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