COD: Black Ops III

Is this a joke? lol

COD has been running on a heavily modified Quake 3 engine since it's birth and hasn't changed for Blops 3? correct me if I'm wrong..

No, that is a fair assumption, although with each release they spout a load of marketing crap about a completely new engine. Sigh.

I have been playing Beta on PS4, and to be honest it is more of the same. It isn't a bad game but it is basically AW with Titanfall-like thrust packs and parkour.

It is a Beta, of course, but still the age old issues rear their head. Hit reg, being shot around corners, insta death etc etc.

Plus the 3 maps in the Beta are tiny. I have said in the PS4 thread that the limitations of consoles are having a big impact on game development. The hardware (or perhaps the engine?) simply can't cope with 60FPS at 1080p with all the graphical bells and whistles so they are having to make tiny maps to compensate, same as they did with AW, and force maximum lobbies of 5v5 (or 6v6 I cant remember now).

Kind of makes me think Star Wars BF is going to crash and burn unless they do what they did with BF4 and increase map size at the cost of visual fidelity.
As soon as you said jet packs my interest went even more into the negative scale. COD starts off at -100 not to buy anyway.
The first Black Ops game had dedicated servers. Do not know about the later CODs though as I haven't bought one on PC since.

This looks more of the same. I'm waiting for a new engine before I think about buying another COD, unless it brings something good to the table. (A good WW2 storyline for example.)

Wasn't really true dedicated servers though. One server host providing limited access to them. Frankly they were the same as the p2p garbage only with the ability to admin them. Waste of time.

CoD finished after WaW in 2008. It's now a money making console junk fest feeding the kids what they want.
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Played this at an event this evening after not playing any games since MW2 on PC, with MW being my only console entry. We played the multiplayer beta on PS4 - my first time on a PS4 - and all I can say is that I am conflicted. The development team have put work into it and it shows but the people playing the game seemingly havn't. The activision rep had to mute the chat, that's all I can say about that, heh...

I only had one round of TDM but spoke with the activision rep a little who explained the class system breifly, which sounded interesting. I also liked the lobby screen which showed your character class while matchmaking, which took a while but didn't bother me because I can excuse for non-dedicated multiplayer.

I didn't struggle with the controls - I played Titanfall PC with a 360 controller - but it did have a few things I didn't care for; the only truly irritating one being the look/turn acceleration (right stick), which seemed to have me turning too far too fast when tracking targets. I understand why this is included but can't remember this being an issue for me back on the 360.

I did enjoy racking up a good killstreak - including a nice little triple kill - against the (filthy) casuals, which drew attention from spectators around me. A slight smugness in my answer was evident when one asked how I got good, to which I replied simply "PC". Which reconfirmed why I play PC exclusively for the past decade; console players just don't put up as much of a fight. I love PC games because the players are often much more seasoned. I actually love losing when the battles are tooth and nail, every inch and yard.

That's my bit anyway. Looked ok and ran smooth on the nice TV's they had setup. Still not buying, hah! Back to BF4 (PC) hardcore... ;)
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Since we are talking about PC...

No dedicated servers > Matchmaking > Playing crap with all kind of East European laggers from around Europe = Utter failure.

Unlimited sprinting (Marathon pro type) = People will always be popping around corners and insta killing you before they even draw on your screen.

Black Ops was the last good game in the franchise. Ironically the last one with dedicated admined servers.
Since we are talking about PC...

No dedicated servers > Matchmaking > Playing crap with all kind of East European laggers from around Europe = Utter failure.

Unlimited sprinting (Marathon pro type) = People will always be popping around corners and insta killing you before they even draw on your screen.

Black Ops was the last good game in the franchise. Ironically the last one with dedicated admined servers.

Yep, it is still happening a lot. You die and on the replay there is someone in front of you which wasn't even drawn on your screen yet :(

I have been playing on PS4 and it is definitely a big improvement over AW, but the same formula is present as well as all the flaws we are now so used to seeing in a CoD game. Having no dedis is killing the franchise off because the lag and lag comp over rubbish p2p just gets tiresome. It also means hackers have free roam to ruin every game they join and keep doing it until the next ban wave. Then they start again.

It is just a business model at the end of the day and dedis cost money the devs/pubs don't wanna spend. They would rather spend it on purile DLC and the marketing hype train. Plus if there are rentable dedis you are less likely to buy the next installment of the franchise in a years time if you can still happily play the last one on your lovely low latency well administrated rented server.

Sad but true, and unfortunately there are enough people out there still buying it year on year to make it profitable for the devs/pubs.
Did anyone else on PC notice some strange input lag for the mouse. May not even input lag, but it didn't feel RAW like other FPS, previous cods, it feels clunky and I had a hard time aiming on people which I shouldn't ever have.. I watched some videos and other people had the same opinion. Did you get the same?
They've had three years to develop this and it looks nothing more than Advanced Warfare 2. What's the point in having two separate studios working on the game if they're just going to churn out the same game each year albeit with extra BS added each time?
They've had three years to develop this and it looks nothing more than Advanced Warfare 2. What's the point in having two separate studios working on the game if they're just going to churn out the same game each year albeit with extra BS added each time?

why spend the extra money when you can make pretty much the same game year in year out and still sell millions of copies, until people stop buying cod the game will hardly change because it doesnt need too
They need to go back to one studio working on a WWII FPS and another on the modern era.

It's funny how years ago all FPS were WW era and now they're all set in the future. It will eventually do a loop and will go back to the WW shooters, which I personally preferred!
If they went back and remade a decent cod2 I would play the game again, but the reskinned rubbish year after year now, no thanks.

And to the fanboy who posted the hate train bull, it's not about hate, it's more that people are not all dumb cattle, we know when we being fed the same **** in a different bowl.
If they went back and remade a decent cod2 I would play the game again, but the reskinned rubbish year after year now, no thanks.

And to the fanboy who posted the hate train bull, it's not about hate, it's more that people are not all dumb cattle, we know when we being fed the same **** in a different bowl.

Let's take a guess where this will go;

COD has been rubbish since COD 4?
Same old Quake 3 Arena Engine?
No originality?
Not as good as Battlefield?
No skill?
Only Kids play it?

There, that should do it. Now, back on topic....
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