Bring back a game that's fun to play like pre MW2 and I might be interest. Until then you can keep your p2p console crock. Sorry but anyone who thinks COD as it is is worth playing on PC needs psychiatric help.
Are dedicated servers back for PC users yet? Pointless without them as hackers can't be kicked...
No why would they? They can sell their map packs at daft prices to the equally daft public who'll buy them.
The old model of dedicated servers is dead as far as cod is concerned.
Bullet drop in cod? lol no mate its as arcadey as you can get.
Anyone here played the Beta? What's the MP gameplay like? I love BF4 and how bullets drop over distance so you have to aim slightly above your target to compensate. Are things like that in Black Ops 3?
Massively arcadey - But I don't think they really are competing. If you want realistic shooter, you go BF, if you want a load of arcadey fun, go COD.
This is my first COD since MW and MW2 - Those were absolutely fantastic games. Then I tried BF3 and BF4 and I found them boring.
All I want is a game I can jump into and instantly have some insane kill streak or some great kill cams. With BF, it was so "pro" and it bored me. I played the Beta for this and was instantly addicted. I don't care about graphics and xyz. Just want to get into a game and have some fun.
Edit: and yes, I've just pre-ordered it. CD Keys with 5% off including the Nuke Town DLC - Shame they don't have the season pass.
Even if it did have it, they've kind of stopped making maps with long sightlines a while ago, making sniping something more of a quickscope skill rather than an actual sniper sort of role.Bullet drop in cod? lol no mate its as arcadey as you can get.
How did you get the additional 5% discount?
Nah. Haven't played it, but it seems a bit more of a twitch shooter with longer time-to-kill gunplay. That really isn't my thing.Play Dirty Bomb, all free and plays muc much better