COD4 MP Live arranging thread

So i'm not the only who noticed this :)

Damn right, you're not :p

It feels like every other time I die the cam shows something completely different. Maddening.

Like the halo 3 replays it's based on what the server thought was happening, not what your screen showed.
Halo's no worse for it, but it's certainly no better. Just proves it's all down to lag :(

HQ on Shipment sounds like a laugh :p I'll be on later.
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ie someone has me in their sights through a wall, creeps round it and takes me out - there is no logic as to how they know im there

I do this regularly, I do it by:

hear you reload/change weapons
see the red dot on my radar when you fire
team mates telling me where you are.
Priorites mate! You got it sorted?

Does anyone use the shotgun? I love it! Obviously its useless in a really open map but close combat its awesome! You know what weapon I'm using when doing good :)

I sorted the settings on my router and NAT went open, done a retest and it was Strict. Rebooted xbox360 and it was OPEN again Touch wood it's sorted but will have to see later.

GF is out with her mates 2nite so I'm left free ALL night on my own, what a shame :D
I sorted the settings on my router and NAT went open, done a retest and it was Strict. Rebooted xbox360 and it was OPEN again Touch wood it's sorted but will have to see later.

GF is out with her mates 2nite so I'm left free ALL night on my own, what a shame :D

Good good buddy!

Send me a message tonight and we'll play the game, be crap to go through on default!
mingled my way upto level 27 so far

not sure if i want to do the other weapons though

im happy with my M4 setup / red dot / 3 stuns
I think MadFruit just jinxed Live :(

You know, I've just realised it really is all my fault!!

I hate you all. I hope Xbox Live goes down over the entire Crimbo period and you all get RROD. :mad: If that fails then I hope all your games are filled with Yule filled American angsty teenage campers :mad:


I am at work today and then this evening I am off to the parents probably until New Year. Which means no Xbox at all. None. Zip. Zero. :(

On a lighter note, have a good one everybody :D ;)
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