COD4 MP Live arranging thread

I must admit I did enjoy it even though the game seemed to last an eternity. Especially as you had a helicopter constantly in the air.

When live is up COD is fantastic when playing with a load of mates but when its down its just a pain in the bum as you constantly find yourself in the lobby waiting for people to rejoin the party.
When live is up COD is fantastic when playing with a load of mates but when its down its just a pain in the bum as you constantly find yourself in the lobby waiting for people to rejoin the party.

Or waiting for madfruit to phone his mate to explain how to accept an invite. :p;)
It always seems to die completely at 9:30pm then start working again just after 11 in the evenings. Playing tired really screws up you aim though, I was really bad last night.

Soulja, yeah your right, I got confused. Your kill total is silly high though :p

Domination is no fun with random crap people either.
Rather than start a new thread I thought id ask this question here first;

Does anyone elses 360/CoD4 crash sometimes when trying to do a Party Invite? I tried this last night and one time the xbox crashed, the 2nd time it worked fine then the 3rd time it seemed to crash but then came back to life after about 2mins. Any help appreciated :)

Rather than start a new thread I thought id ask this question here first;

Does anyone elses 360/CoD4 crash sometimes when trying to do a Party Invite? I tried this last night and one time the xbox crashed, the 2nd time it worked fine then the 3rd time it seemed to crash but then came back to life after about 2mins. Any help appreciated :)


I think the whole problem with live is causing the blades to react very very slowly making it take an age to send invites leaving you stuck on the same screen.
Thanks for the invites last night guys, but everytime I accepted one it said something about an error connecting to host. I managed to get on a couple of random games, just couldn't follow any invites.
Oh and for a newbie like me, is there a 'perfect' setup for MP? Is there a gun, ammo, perk set that everyone strives for, or most veterans use?

I noticed on the kill cam that some people use a heavy machine gun with red dot site to kill me across the map! Whats that all about, these guns should have awful dispersion after a medium distance.
can people hack on COD4 360?

i dont think they can, but some of the killcams are pure dodge' imo

ie someone has me in their sights through a wall, creeps round it and takes me out - there is no logic as to how they know im there

i just assume comms / player instinct, but as an ex-PC FPS - you always sniff BS.....

so im hoping that the 360 version cannot be modified in anyway, but if it can, are their any A/C systems out there??
Not sure but some dodgy stuff is actually legit - the bullet penetration thing, took me a while to stop screaming at people shooting me right through brick walls from 100m! :mad:
The kill cam for my money isn't that accurate. Sometimes it shows me as much more out in the open or stood up than I actually was. There are times when I know I've shot first too and it doesn't show on the cam.
Oh and for a newbie like me, is there a 'perfect' setup for MP? Is there a gun, ammo, perk set that everyone strives for, or most veterans use?

I noticed on the kill cam that some people use a heavy machine gun with red dot site to kill me across the map! Whats that all about, these guns should have awful dispersion after a medium distance.
I thought that when I first started, however I now do it to others. Short bursts of fire help no end.
can people hack on COD4 360?

i dont think they can, but some of the killcams are pure dodge' imo

ie someone has me in their sights through a wall, creeps round it and takes me out - there is no logic as to how they know im there

i just assume comms / player instinct, but as an ex-PC FPS - you always sniff BS.....

so im hoping that the 360 version cannot be modified in anyway, but if it can, are their any A/C systems out there??
As far as I know there are no hacks. There are a couple of places where you can wall glitch. Like in the map with the shot down helicopter, there is a building near A with the upstairs roof blown off. A favourite for camping snipers. If you crouch down in the corner facing out, you can't be seen but you have a perfect view out when zoomed, as if there is no wall. I've been caught out by a couple of people using that glitch.

Also for other times, don't forget the enemy might have a UAV up, or had you just fired your gun? Or had he been tracking you?

The mini map is priceless for knowing just when someone is going to pop around the corner. I often also watch someone disappear around a corner from a distance and know exactly where he is going to pop out, and pretty much when too.
unfortunately most of these things can be explained by one simple thing, network Lag.

even though it seems as if everything is running smoothly if the other guys ping is slightly higher than yours he will have a split second advantage which can make all the difference.

As for walking round a corner (knowing where you are) he may have his UAV activated or just saw you walk round the corner or saw a muzzle flash.

after a while you just except it, especially as it can work both ways.
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