COD4 MP Live arranging thread

yeah the banter is amusing

i was in a game this morning with 2 sets of US clans - 1 white boys, the other black

for some reason i got shunted between the teams as map ends, but the black fellas made me laugh - problem was, they were good, and ended up being the victors on each map - which ignited more in the lobby.

wont repeat any of it, but needless to say the whites were not to pleasant, though the response they got was more funny than offensive
No, they are american ;)

To be fair though, I played a few games last night with two mates and we were with some americans. They were really friendly, most of them are quite funny too. They all seem to be overexcited. Then you get the odd Texan guy on now and then who is just pure comedy to listen to :D

I love the way they pronounce my name too. 'Rogue-a-dog'
I had a game early hours with someone who decided to put his mic next to a clock or something that was constantly saying the time. What a **** :(
Just had a game against danny, I think i killed him about 20 times :D:p

Sorry ;)

Nah wasn't 20 but it was about 8 of my 16 deaths that match. :( Had a frustrating morning playing it. Not one of the teams I've played have wanted flags. The game before that on Bloc I had to beg my team mates to help me try to get B.

All they wanted to do was sit in the windows with sniper rifles.

Oh well time for bed, nights tonight :(
We have had people attack us as soon as we get in lobby. By far the worst of the bunch a group of yanks that as soon as we started talking said...

"******* hell the damn French"

Then proceeded to tell us we didn't speak english properly. It took a while to convince the bunch of them that it was infact our language.

Then when we absolutely destroyed them at domination...

"well I bet you have never even held a real gun"

My absolute fav yank quote so far though "Why do I need a Passport when I already live in the greatest country in the world"

:mad: I must have got lucky then :p but i did have a yank say to me yesterday GaMeR1973 was you born in 1973 ??? that is one reason why i picked it so people would say that :p then he started going on about how i must have played on atari all them years ago but i really messed him up when i said no commodore 64 :D .
Anyone going to be on tonight about 8ish? Possibly up for some silent Dominations games:) Already set up my classes all my normal weapons but put silencers on everything, and each class has UAV jammer set on it, was messing about the other night using it and managed to get a few other people to get there classes set the same was preetty enteraining.

Need to buy a new mic though, went to plug mine in last night, and found the cat has managed to eat most the wire hmmm wireless one this time me thinks...:mad:
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