COD4 MP Live arranging thread

I'm loving the challenges, they're like AP but for MP! :D Got the MP5 150 kills last night but man that was frustrating - the bullets are so weak loads of times I hit people multiple times and they just killed me. On to the M16 challenges now - this is much better - my kills have gone from around 10 per round with the MP5 to around 20 with the M16, much more powerful. :)
I'm loving the challenges, they're like AP but for MP! :D Got the MP5 150 kills last night but man that was frustrating - the bullets are so weak loads of times I hit people multiple times and they just killed me. On to the M16 challenges now - this is much better - my kills have gone from around 10 per round with the MP5 to around 20 with the M16, much more powerful. :)

M16 with red-dot was my favourite out of every gun on the larger levels.

Ak47 is a good weapon for damage.
No there is not, if there was however it would be the best weapon in the game and disturb the balance.

Thie best thing about it is the fact that everyone uses different weapons, makes it more interesting.
That's okay I just wondered, I prefer the 3 shot burst anyway, makes it more accurate than just blasting and 3 shots to the body from the M16 is more than enough to kill.
Yeah it regulates your fire rate so in a group of 3 men 9 rounds will generally all hit something, you have enough time to adjust for a headshot on each man with each burst where as something like a P90 Im inclined to the spray and pray options which doesnt really work. The G36C is pretty good just firing even in burst type firing has quite a large round grouping unlike the accurate and close to recoiless M16.

Last night was good, rather impressive domination even on the Team deathmatches :cool:
Hopefully it is a mass reboot of all the new Live servers.

We can hope anyway:P

Major Nelson says the new hamster for the wheel died. Microsoft are livid because they were assured the life expectancy of a hamster is 3 years. Apparently they have been over worked this xmas with new subscribers and have starved to death.

This is despite us paying £30 each to sponsor a hamster :(
o well, If it carries on like this there won't be any hamsters left in the world!!

Have to turn to Ferrets.

Cheers for the games guys, Flash Gordon away.......
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